And then there were four

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"Surgery?!" Emily asked,in shock

"Apparently" Lorelai exhaled

"They can't do anything?" Emily asked

"Not really" lorelai said

"Can we at least see her before she goes in?" Richard asked

"I'll ask" Lorelai said and walked away. She walked into Rory's room to see her crouching down, leaning against the bed with Logan massaging her back "contraction?" Lorelai asked and Rory nodded "Logan take your hand and put steady pressure on her lower back"

Logan did what lorelai said and Rory relaxed "holy shit" Rory sighed

"Nice language" Lorelai teased


"Sorry" lorelai giggled

"How did you know that?" Rory said, climbing back into bed

"Luke did it for me when I had Will. I have no idea why it works" lorelai told them "hey. So, everyone wants to see you if you're up for it"

"Sure, send them in" Rory said

Lorelai went and got Luke, April, Will, Emily and Richard from the waiting room.

"Hey Rory. How you feeling?" Luke asked softly

"Like I'm never having sex again" Rory joked

"Rory Gilmore!" Emily scolded

"Not Gilmore" Lorelai corrected

"Not the point" Emily replied

"Well..." Lorelai squeaked

Logan's phone rang "you ok if I take this?" Logan asked Rory and she nodded

"When are they taking you in?" Emily asked

"Probably within the next half hour or so" Rory told them

"It's Logan allowed to go in?" April asked

"Yeah" Rory answered

"That's good" Emily said "he should be there"

"Yeah. I honestly would probably be freaking out right now if he couldn't come" Rory admitted

"Hey" Logan poked his head in "you up for 2 more?"

"What?" Rory asked

"Honor and Josh are here" Logan explained

"Bring them up" Rory shrugged

"Actually, they'll have to wait" Dr Lee appeared behind Logan, starting him "sorry, didn't mean to scare you"

"That's ok" Logan chuckled

"Rory, they're ready for you upstairs" the doctor said

Everyone said goodbye and wished them luck before going back to the waiting room.


"You ready Rory?" Dr Lee asked, right before she started. Rory nodded "alright. Then let's get started" the doctor said and Rory took a deep breath

"It's be ok, Ace" Logan assured her from his spot, sitting on a stool by her head.

"Ok, guys" Dr Lee said after a few minutes "you ready to meet baby A?"

"Definitely" Rory exhaled, the beginnings of tears in her eyes

" you go" Dr Lee said and a nurse put one baby on Rory's chest

"Oh, my god" Rory whispered, tears started to fall down her face

"She beautiful" Logan gasped, gently stroking the baby's cheek

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