Physical therapy

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January 9th 2019- 21 weeks

"Your knee is healing very well" the doctor said "your scans look good and your pain is minimal. Now you'll start physical therapy 3 times a week to get you walking"

"Will it hurt?" Em asked

"The therapy?"

Em nodded

"It can be pretty uncomfortable" the doctor told her "but it's very important."

"Oh" Em looked up at Rory, who was standing next to where she was sitting. Rory rubbed her back

"I'm gonna send you down to see the physical therapist, now" he said "and then you can make more appointments with the receptionist down there"

Rory and Em went down to physical therapy

"Hello, Emilia" the physical therapist said "My name is Jared. It's nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too" Em said, shyly

"So first things first" Jared sat down on the floor "can you come sit down here with me?"

"I need help"

Jared helped Em sit on the floor, across from him

"Ok, I want you to take off your brace and put both legs straight out in front of you and try to press the backs of your knees to the floor"

Em did about half an hour of physical therapy

"Ok, I want you to walk normally, but use the crutches so that you aren't putting any weight on your bad leg" Jared said and Em nodded


"Your scar is cool" Elle said to Em as they both sat on Em's bed doing homework

"Thanks" Em giggled "that's wrong" she pointed at something on Elle's homework


"You forgot to carry the 3"

"Oh" Elle looked over her paper "thanks"

"Girls, dinner" Rory poked her head in

"Ok" they both said at once

"Do you need help on the stairs?" Elle offered

"Elle, baby, you can't help her. Dad has to do it" Rory told her

Logan helped Em down the stairs and everyone sat down to eat


January 28th 2019- 23 weeks

"I'm home" Rory walked into the house

"Mom!" Em made her way over to Rory "guess what!"


"I walked!" Em told her, excitedly


"At physical therapy" Em said "I held on to two bars and I walked with weight on my leg! 10 whole steps"

"That's great, baby. I'm so proud of you!"


January 29th 2019

"Wow" Rory exhaled, as she and Logan sat in the car after their doctors appointment

"I know"

"Another one"



"You said that already" Logan chuckled

"We're having another boy?" Rory looked at Logan

"We're having another boy" Logan smiled and kissed her

"Hey, does Elle have a show tonight?"

"Nope" Logan said "just weekends. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday"



"Hey, Elle Belle" Rory said when Elle got in the car after school "how was school?"

"I need new character shoes" Elle sighed "mine broke during second period"

"Ok" Logan chuckled "and other than that?"

"My teacher made me demonstrate the ballet combo in front of the whole class" Elle told them "oh, and out winter recital is on February 20th"

"I'll put it in the calendar" Rory said

"Good" Elle smiled "I'm in a lot of the dances and 3 songs. Plus I'm gonna get to sing one of the songs from the show"

"That's cool!"


February 15th 2019- 25 weeks

"What are you doing?" Rory asked, when she walked down the stairs, Friday morning, to see Elle spinning like a top

"Turning" Elle said

"I can see that" Rory chuckled "why are you turning?"

"I have really hard turns in one of my solos for the recital" Elle said, still turning

"Well, take a break" Rory said "It's time for breakfast"

Everyone was sitting at the table eating breakfast

"Em, don't forget I'm picking you up from school, at lunch, to go to physical therapy" Logan said

"I won't"


"Guess who's walking!" Logan called out when he walked into the house with Em, who was walking with only one crutch

"Look at you!" Rory said "that's great!"

"I still have to wear the brace tho" Em said

"For a while" Logan said "but they changed the setting so she can bend her knee a little"

"That's good"

AN: sorry for the short chapter, it was more of a filler. I hope you're enjoying And as always suggestions are always appreciated

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