Rory's graduation

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"My babys all grown up". Lorelai said with tears in her eyes, being 4 months pregnant her hormones were all over the place

"Mom, calm down" Rory said laughing

"But you're graduating and I only have a little more than a month left with you before you move to- " she stopped realized what she had said and who was around her

"Excuse me?" Emily asked with a tone that told everyone around that she was not in the mood for jokes

"What grandma?" Rory asked playing dumb

"What did your mother just say?" She asked almost yelling

"That um...she only had a little more than a month left" Rory said only repeating what Lorelai had gotten out before she stopped

"Only a little more than a month until what?" Emily asked putting her hands on her hips

"Until I move" Rory said quietly

"You're moving?Why are you moving? Where are you moving to?!" Emily asked almost shouting "you don't like living near your family?!"

"Of course I like living near my family but I got a job and I have to actually be able get there" Rory told her grandmother

"Oh that's so great!" Emily cheered "you got the internship at the New York times?" She asked

" actually, it's a different job" Rory admitted

"What job" Emily asked

"As a writer" Rory said being vague

"Rory..." Emily warned

"The Washington post" she said almost whispering

"Washington!?" Emily shouted so loud that Logan heard and came into the room "you're moving to Washington?!"

"Washington DC, actually" Rory said trying to calm Emily down

"This is your fault!" She shouted pointing at Logan

"What?!" Logan exclaimed

"She's moving for you isn't she?!" Emily said rudely


"Grandma!" Rory yelled "I'm moving because I got an amazing job opportunity, Logan had nothing to do with that decision! As a matter of fact he's the one that's moving because of me!"

"Fine!" Emily relented "do whatever you want"

"It's time to go" Luke said walking into Rory's room. He had been upstairs putting together the baby's crib

They arrived at Yale and Rory parted ways with her family and Logan as they went to go find seats and sit down and she went to meet up with some of her friends.


"Lorelai Leigh Gilmore" the commencement speaker announced and Rory walked across the stage in her black polyester cap and gown. She was handed her diploma, she moved the tásale on her cap and made a goofy face at her family which earned an eye roll from Emily.

"Congratulations Rory" Emily said coldly as Rory walked up to them on the grass at Yale

"Honey I'm so proud of you" Lorelai said giving Rory a tight hug

"Me too Ace" Logan added putting an at around her shoulders kissing the top of her head

"Well Rory" Richard said handing Rory an envelope "here's your graduation present"

"Oh grandpa you didn't have to" Rory told him

"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to" he smiled at her and she gave him a hug

"Where's Luke?" Rory asked

"He had to get back to the diner" Lorelai said

"Oh ok" Rory said unaware of what Luke was really doing

"So, how does it feel to be a Yale graduate?" Richard asked

"Oh well you know, to be honest, I thought it'd feel better than this" Lorelai teased

"Lorelai, please" Emily grumbled

"It feels amazing grandpa" Rory said smiling

"So do you have an apartment already?" Emily asked rudely

"Yes actually we do" Logan answers Emily before Rory could

"Really?" She asked a little shocked "how did you pick an apartment in DC from here?"

"We took a trip to DC for a weekend a couple of weeks ago to look at apartments" Rory explained

"Did you see any you like?" Emily asked secretly hoping that they didn't

"Yeah we actually bought one" Logan told Emily

"Oh" Emily squeaked out

"Well that's wonderful guys" Lorelai said going to lighten the mood



Rory walked into Luke's to see everyone waiting to celebrate with her

"Oh my god!" Rory said surprised at the gesture "what? How? Who?" She stuttered

"Luke" her mom said handing her a clear plastic champagne flute with champagne in it.

Rory ran over and hugged Luke "you know you didn't have to do this."

"Of course I did" he smiled returning her hug "you just graduated from Yale, with honors. You deserve to be celebrated"

"Thank you" she smiled at him

Rory looked around and took note of how many people were there to celebrate her, her mom, Luke, April, Liz, TJ, Sookie, Jackson, Lane, Zack, ms Patty, Babette, Morey, Taylor, Kirk, Gypsy, Michele, Paris, Doyle, Finn, Colin, Stephanie, Roesmary, Juliet, Robert and pretty much the whole rest of Stars Hollow, even Dean and Jess were there.

"Surprised?" Logan said quietly into her ear, which earned a jealous look from Dean.

"You knew?!" She turned around and smacked his chest playfully

"Come on Ace, of course I knew. Someone had to get you here" he said smiling wide

A few minutes later Rory was stood near the counter talking to me Patty and Babette, avoiding their questions about her plans for next year when Lorelai spoke loudly "excuse me everyone!" She exchanged a look with Rory and with her daughters approval the daughter she made an announcement "I would just like to tell you all that my Rory, Our Rory, Stars Hollow's Rory, got a job!" They heard cheers from everyone in the diner before Babette spoke "that's amazing Rory! What is it?" There it was the question she had hoped nobody would ask yet. She knew people would be upset at her moving so far and wanted to just enjoy the celebration with her friends and family.

AN: hi, I hope you're enjoying the story.
Sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger but the next part is coming soon. I saw someone ask me to put it on Wattpad too so I'll start putting the chapter there too if you guys are interested. As always read and review and lmk what you'd like to see.

Xoxo Abigail

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