Baby shopping

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"Excuse my cluelessness, but what exactly do we need?" Logan asked Rory, as he drove them to buy stuff for the babies

"I'd like to start to get the bigger things already. Cribs, changing table, stuff like that." Rory told him "the smaller things like toys, clothes, bottles can probably wait until we know the sex"

"Ok, so today our goal is cribs and changing tables?" Logan asked

"And a stroller" Rory said "oh! And car seats"

"Alright, then" Logan said, chuckling. He was happy that Rory was excited.

A few minutes later they were walking into the store.

"Good morning" a sales lady greeted them "what can I help you find today?"

"Everything" Logan joked

"Logan" Rory rolled her eyes at him "we didn't buy anything yet"

"So you're looking to buy everything today?" The sales lady asked

"Maybe not everything, but the bigger things" Rory explained

"I like to recommend that the first things parents buy is the crib, bassinet, changing table and car seat" she told them

"Alright so let's do that" Logan said

"Yes" Rory agreed "but we need 2 of everything"

"Twins?" The sales lady asked

"Yeah" Rory said smiling

"Well, congratulations and good luck" she said, chuckling a little

"Thanks" Logan smiled

"Should we start with car seats?" The sales lady suggested


"I think today was very successful" Rory said as she and Logan were getting into bed later that night

"I agree, Ace" Logan smiled and put his arm around her

"Plus, you know what else?" Rory said, snuggling into Logan's chest


"I didn't throw up today" she told him

"Really?" Logan asked, surprised. Rory had thrown up at least once, every day for the past 5 weeks.

"You were with me all day" Rory said

"Wow" Logan said

"Yeah" Rory said

"So" Logan started "which room do you wanna put the babies in?"

"Well we have 2 guest rooms and the office." Rory said "I think the office should stay the office, because it's the farthest from our room anyway"

"Ok, so which of the other rooms do you want to turn into the nursery?" Logan asked

"I guess the closer one makes the most sense" she said and then yawned

"Wanna go to sleep?"

"No. I'm fine" Rory assured him "do you think we can get all the furniture out of the bedroom, ourselves or should we hire someone?"

"We aren't moving any furniture" he said "I can get everything taken apart and move it out of there"



"I want to help" she pouted

"Then you can sit in a chair and shout orders at me" Logan smiled. Rory yawned again "ok. You need to go to sleep" Logan shifted in bed so that he was laying down and Rory was laying snuggled against him with her head on his chest.

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