William Lucas Danes

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It had been a month since Rory started work at the Washington post, it was going better than she could have hoped. She was getting great assignments and while she was extremely busy, she loved her job and was doing very well in DC.

Logan was doing well too. His new business start up was doing well and while he had taken a couple of short trips to California to check on things for the most part he could work from wherever he was.

"Ace! Ace wake up!" Logan whisper yelled to Rory

"Logan it's 3 in the morning, I swear to god" she grumbled

"It's your mom"

"What?!" She jumped up and took the phone from Logan "mom?!" She asked frantically

"No it's me" Luke said over the phone

"Luke?" Rory asked confused " is everything ok?"

"Your mom's in labor, she wanted me to call you" Luke told Rory over the phone

"Logan! Flights to Connecticut" Rory whispered to Logan who was sitting on the bed watching Rory "what hospital?"Rory asked Luke

"Hartford general but we're not there yet"

"I'm gonna try to find a flight and hopefully be there in a few hours"

"Ok see you soon" Luke said

"Hey Luke?" Rory said

"Yeah Rory"

"Congratulations" Rory smiled and hung up

"What's going on?" Logan asked Rory

"My moms in labor I need to get back to Connecticut" she said while frantically packing a bag with a couple days worth of clothes

"We can get on a flight in an hour and a half and be in Connecticut by 6"

"Logan you don't have to come-" Rory started before Logan interrupted

"I know I don't have to but I want to" he kissed her

"Ok then" Rory said excitedly "let's go meet my baby brother" she continued smiling


"Hello, I'm looking for Lorelai Danes" Rory said as she ran up to the nurses station

"Are you family?" The nurse asked

"Yes, I'm her daughter"

"Third floor, Room 2250" the nurse said

Logan thanked the nurse and they headed to the elevator.

Rory and Logan walked out of the elevator and started to look for Lorelai's room.

"Luke I hate you!" They heard from down the hall

"Well we won't have to look for so long" Logan said as they headed toward the room

"Hey mom" Rory said walking over to her mom while Logan stood outside the door unsure of if he was welcome "how are you doing?"

"How do you think I'm doing?" Lorelai responded rudely

"Right" Rory said exhaling deeply "we'll do you want some more ice chips?" She offered

"No! They don't do anything anyway"

"Actually they do, they keep you hydrated so the baby can come out faster" Rory explained

"Ok give me the ice chips" Lorelai said quickly "hi Logan"

"Hi Lorelai" he said without looking into the room

"You know you can come in" she told him with a chuckle

"Right" Logan said and awkwardly walked into the room "how are you?"

"Been better" lorelai joked

"Right, right" Logan was feeling awkward, he had never been around a woman in labor before, or even a baby for that matter "you know I think I'll go with Ace to get the ice chips"  and he left the room to find his girlfriend

"Ace?" Luke questioned, looking at lorelai

"His nickname for Rory" she explained

"But why Ace?"

"Like ace reporter"

"Oh" Luke said with a chuckle "that's sweet"

"Yeah" Lorelai said smiling at the thought of her daughter having found someone who makes her as happy as Luke makes her "oooh" Lorelai was snapped out of her thought by another contraction


"Mom he's beautiful" Rory gushed as she held her baby brother in her arms

"Thanks" Lorelai smiled at the sight of her daughter holding her son

"Congrats guys" Logan said from his spot in the doorway

"Hey there Will, I'm your big sister Rory" Rory said softly to the baby in her arms. Logan just stood there watching her with a smile on his face, she would be an amazing mother.

Just then Rory's phone rang snapping everyone out of their own thoughts.
"Oh shit!" She exclaimed

"Language! Theres a baby in the room" Lorelai joked

"Mom, he's 2 hours old" Rory said rolling her eyes at her mother and handing the baby to Luke "I completely forgot about work"

"If you need to go back it's ok, I'm glad you came" Lorelai said

"We'll head back later I wanna spend some more time with you guys" she said leaving the room to call her boss "let me just tell my boss what's going on"


"Wow I'm so happy for them" Rory told Logan as they settled into their seats on the plane late that night "they both had an...interesting experience with their first kid" she chuckled "and I'm glad they got a chance to do it differently"

"You know your mom wouldn't trade what she got with you for anything right?" He said softly, wrapping an arm around her shoulder

"Of course I do" she said snuggling into his chest "but it's nice that they got a chance to do it all differently"

"You know... you were amazing with him" he said smiling at her



"Well I only held him for a little while" she said

"Well it was sweet" he smiled at her "makes me look forward to seeing you with our kids"

"Got something you wanna tell me?" Rory joked

"Very funny Ace" he rolled his eyes and kissed her

AN: as always please comment your thoughts. I hope you're enjoying the story. Read and review

Xoxo Abigail

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