The rehearsal

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"Mom!" Rory shouted in a panic

"What happened?" Lorelai shouted from upstairs

"I don't have it!"

"What don't you have?"

"I can't shout it through the whole house" Rory groaned

"Ok, I'm coming down" lorelai yelled and started down the stairs. "Ok, I'm here" lorelai said appearing in Rory's doorway. She looked around to see a mess, Rory had taken everything out of her suitcase. "What's happened in here?"

"I can't find it!" Rory groaned "I thought of everything, brought everything and the most basic thing I forget"

"What did you forget?" Lorelai asked

"I didn't bring my pills" Rory grumbled shyly

"What pills?" Lorelai asked and then immediately realized what pills Rory was talking about "oh that pill" lorelai said smirking "dirty!"

"Not funny mom" Rory said scowling

"Well, you aren't spending tonight with Logan anyway" lorelai said "And after that you'll be married and it won't matter anyway" she said grinning


"What?!" Lorelai whined "I want grandkids"

"And you'll get them, but you're not getting them before..." Rory paused briefly to calculate "let's say 2010"

"Fine" lorelai pouted "I'll go to Doose's and get you...I don't know something"

"I'll call my doctor and have her fax the prescription over" Rory told her mother picking up her phone "thanks mom"

"Of course" Lorelai smiled


"Wow, Rory you look great" Luke said when Rory walked into the kitchen, dressed for the party

"Thanks Luke" she smiled at him "where's mom?"

"She's upstairs, getting Will dressed"

"No she's not" lorelai said walking into the kitchen with Will on her hip "you look great by the way" she said to Rory

"Well, thank you" Rory smiled "ok, we gotta get going"

They got in the car and they were almost at the dragonfly when Lorelai started getting bored

"You're really not nervous?" Lorelai asked Rory

"I already told you I wasn't" Rory rolled her eyes "how many more times are you gonna ask me that?"

"Probably like 10" lorelai shrugged earning an eye roll and a chuckle from both Rory and Luke

They arrived at the dragonfly and Logan was waiting for them when they got out of the car.

Logan opened the car door and helped Rory out "hey Ace" he said kissing her

"Ok, lovebirds that's enough of that" Lorelai said, getting Will out of the car causing Rory to blush

"Ok, the whole wedding party is here, so I think we should do the rehearsal now, before everyone gets here for dinner" Lane said walking out of the inn

"Sounds perfect, let's go" Rory said

The rehearsal went smoothly and soon after people started to arrived . Dinner was served and everyone was having a good time.

"Excuse me everyone, if I could have your attention for just a moment" lorelai said standing up "I know that I'll have time to give a speech at the actual wedding but I just wanna say that the people in this room are the most important people in my daughters life and I just want to thank all of you for coming together to help celebrate the next chapter in her life"

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