Wedding day

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Rory woke up early Sunday morning to Lorelai, Lane, Paris and Honor spending over her.

"Um...good morning" Rory said with a confused look on her face

"Good morning bride" Lorelai said smiling

"Can you guys stop staring at me like that? It's creepy" Rory said

"Sorry" lane said

"Get up, we have plans" Honor said

"Yeah, I know we have plans, I made the plans but we don't have to start getting ready until noon and it's..." she looked over to check the time "7am?!" She asked in shock"

"We have plans" Lorelai smiled

"What are you talking about?" Rory asked, slightly annoyed

"Get up and you'll find out" Honor said

"Ok. Ok, I'm getting up" Rory relented



"Are you gonna tell me where we're going?" Rory asked in an annoyed tone as she, Lorelai, Lane, Paris and Honor drive through Hartford

"No" Paris said. The car stopped "but we're here"

They walked inside to see the fanciest beauty salon most of them had ever seen. Stephanie, Rosemary and Juliet were waiting there for them.

"Hello bride" Stephanie said handing Rory a glass of champagne

"Do I just not have a name today?" Rory joked "what is this?" She asked

"This is your friends pampering you before your wedding" Lane said

"You so don't have to do this" Rory said

"Shut up" Paris rolled her eyes "you get married, you get pampered"

"So today, anything you want done you get" Lane explained

"Plus some stuff that we thought of" Juliet winked

"Hello, my name is Allison I'll be managing all of your services today." The manager of the salon said "who is our bride?" She asked

"Her" Lorelai said pointing to Rory

"Ok so we'll start with you Andrew get everyone else situated shortly" Allison said "if you'll follow me" she led Rory into another room

"Excuse me but what exactly are we doing today?" Rory asked

"You want to see the list your friends gave me?" Allison offered

"Yes please" Rory said and Allison pulled the list out of her pocket and gave it to Rory.

The list:
Full body massage
Leg wax
Brazilian wax
Hair styling
Full makeup

"Excuse me, one moment" Rory said and walked back to where her friends were "waxing?" She asked them with a raised eyebrow

"It's your wedding day" Honor said

"Waxing?" Rory asked again, this time directed at her mother

"How'd you know it was me?" Lorelai asked

"Oh, it was obvious" Rory said

"It's for your wedding night" Paris said "and the honeymoon"

"No" Rory said

"Yes" Stephanie responded

Rory just shook her head and walked back into the room to tell Allison to take the waxing off the list.

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