Babies in Stars Hollow

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"I cannot believe they slept the whole 6 hours" Rory said getting out of the car

"It was your idea to wait until right before they fell asleep to leave" Logan reminded her, and went to get the carriers out of the car

"I know but I didn't think it would actually work" she chuckled.

"Oh, my god, Rory!" Babette shouted, running up to the car

"Shhh" Rory shushed Babette, hoping she hadn't woken the babies

"Oh, sorry" Babette whispered "they sleeping?"

"Miraculously" Rory chuckled

"Can I see them?" Babette asked

"Yeah, Logan's getting the carriers out, now" Rory told her

"Hey, Babette" Logan said, walking over to them

Babette crouched down to look at the babies "oh, Rory. They're adorable"

"Thanks Babette" Rory said "I actually wanna get them inside though. It's cold out"

"Oh, of course. Don't let me keep you" Babette said " see you around"

"You wanna grab the bags and I'll take them?" Logan asked


Rory and Logan started walking toward the front door when April came running out


"Hey April" Rory hugged April

" here let me help you" April said taking a bag from Rory

"Dad! Lorelai! They're here!" April called out, quietly when the walked in

Rory put the bags down by the door and took one of the carriers from Logan

"Ahhh!" Lorelai screamed running down the stairs "let me see the babies!"

"Shhh" Logan tried to shush her before she woke the babies, but it was too late. Em started crying.

Rory sighed "thanks mom"

"Eesh, sorry" Lorelai apologized

Rory put down the carrier she was holding and picked Em up and started gently rocking her.

"Are you kidding?" Lorelai whispered yelled

"What?" Rory asked

"That's all it takes? You pick her up and she calms down" Lorelai said "when you were a baby I couldn't get you to stop crying, to save my life" Lorelai told her, getting a giggle from April and Rory just shrugged

"Hey Rory, Logan" Luke said coming down the stairs

"See that's how you greet someone" Rory said giving lorelai a look

"Wow. They're already getting so big" Luke noticed

"Yeah" Rory nodded "they're still in the bottom 1 percent for high and weight though"

"Well, they're premies. It's not surprising that they're small" Lorelai said

"Oh, Rory. I really need to talk to you" April said

"Um...ok" Rory said. April led Rory into Rory's old room and they sat on the bed. "You're not pregnant right?" Rory joked

"What? No" April said

"Good because I'm kidding" Rory chuckled and adjusted Em in her arms "what's going on?"

"Remember that guy I told you about?" April asked shyly

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