Living Arrangements

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TW: Abuse (physical and mental), drunkenness, being kicked out. 

I'll bold before and after in case anyone needs to skip it, I will also give a brief summary of what happens so no one is confused. 

Elvira pulled into the driveway of her aunts' apartment.

Elvira POV:

As I stepped out of my dark blue Toyota, I decide to grab our mail on the way in. As I walked into my aunt's house, sorting through our mail, I saw beer bottles littered across the living room. Great, the house is a mess and she's drunk somewhere. I toss her mail on the table and carry mine to my room. I close my door and start opening up my mail. "Holy shit!" I whisper shout "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!" " I got in! Oh my God! I got in!" A few months ago, Jurassic World sent out different contests, and if you won, you would be able to go to their new camp for a few weeks, fully paid. I entered the fanfiction portion, and I won! It says I will be leaving in two days; I better start packing. I grab some shorts, a few tank tops, oversized graphic hoodies, a few oversized graphic t-shirts, some plaid oversized shirts to put over my tank tops, a swimsuit, some baggy ripped jeans, fishnet leggings, a few knives with my holsters, extra food and water, a medicine kit, feminine products, underwear, socks, bras, and extra headphones, and my Walkman, in case there isn't any Wi-fi or it gets taken away.

 Just as I finish packing my aunt barges into the room.

TW: Abuse, being kicked out, and drunkenness starting now. 

"What are you packing for, bitch?" My aunt slurs at me. "Are you finally leaving?"

"The Camp Cretaceous trip." I tell her.

"Good, get out of my face you dumb bitch, clean the house before you go." She says.

I give her a look, "I leave in two days, Lauren, and I will." 

"Don't talk back to me, young lady! I've been nothing but good to you since you got here!"

She slaps me across the face, grabbing my hair and shoving me to the ground. 

"You stupid bitch, fucking whore." With every insult, a punch to the stomach. "I want you out of here tonight, clean up this house first, I'll be at the bar, do you understand me?!"

"Yes, ma'am." I hurriedly say, afraid of the outcome. 

See, I wasn't weak. I could fight, very well, actually. And I know I could always go to my best friend's house to leave here, but that would involve a lot of legal shit and that's a lot of work. Plus, when I left without working with legals, CPS found me and brought me back.

"Good" She lets go of me, standing up and walking out as if nothing happened, I wait to get up until I hear her car drive off.

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