Such A Poser

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Elvira POV

Yaz and I walk into the room with everyone else, Kenji immediately walks over to us.

"Thirsty?" He asks us, holding a water out for us.

"Very." I say, grabbing the water, "Can I have some of that, too?" I point to the bag of chips he was holding.

"Yeah, here." He hands me and yaz the chips, "Oh, by the way, your clothes are in the wash, there isn't a dryer because the powers out, but the sun will dry it anyway." He tells me.

"Thanks, Kenj." I smile, eating the chips. It was cheddar pringles, which I haven't had in years.

He smiles at me, "What took you so long anyways?"

"Yaz saw my scars and asked about them.  I had to tell her otherwise she would've never let it go." I whisper to him.

"Oh..." he pauses, "Did you tell her everything?"

"For the most part." I say. I only left out a few bits and pieces, nothing that she absolutely had to know. 

He gives me a look, "You need to be more open with people."

"You're a hypocrite." I raise a brow, lifting the water to my lips.

"Oh, just so you know, it's from a very exclusive artesian well in Paris. Filtered through diamonds." He stops me before I drink.

"It can't be that good." I take a sip, "Oh. Wow. Okay, I was wrong, that's really good. And I thought the water I had when brushing my teeth was good." 

"Hello!? I thought we were supposed to be searching for gas. A patch for the boat? A GPS? Any of this ring a bell!?" Ben yells, "I mean, look at Elvira, she had a SHOWER, she's gone soft."

"I haven't gone soft, I needed to check my wounds without being covered in dirt and blood." I glare at him, "The last shower I had was at that camper I found, and that whole thing got destroyed by a stampede. That was when I checked my wounds last." He just rolls his eyes.

Who pissed in his cheerios?

"Here, have some water." Kenji tosses Ben a water. Ben slowly sips it, then turns away to drink more.

"What are you guys "awing" about?" I walk over to Sammy and Yaz, who were looking at some book.

"Look," Sammy shows me a child's drawing.

"That's sweet." I smile, I remember when my brothers used to do that.

"What awesomeness are you three looking at?" Kenji walks over, peering at the drawing.

"This adorable drawing you made of your adorable family." Sammy says.

"Is that mermaid your aunt, or?" Yaz trails off, as Kenji pulls it from Sammy's hand.

"All this baller stuff and you focused on something I drew when I was five?" Kenji questions.

"It reminded me of my younger brothers." I smile sadly, shrugging.

"Uh, guys?" Ben questions, "Something's up with bumpy." Everyone but me and Kenji walk over to him.

"Hey," I pat Kenj's shoulder, noticing him smiling sadly at the drawing, "you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." He says, walking over to the others as I sigh. 

Ben peers over the edge of the balcony, "She only acts like that when she senses danger. Or when she's constipated."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope it's the second one." Brooklynn says, I nudge her lightly, 

"I have to agree with you on that one." 

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