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Elvira POV

I woke up to a pounding headache, looking around at my surroundings, which were the same pen that Kash had been in. Everyone was doing their own thing, Ben sharpening something, Darius staring out, Sammy biting her nails, Yaz doing sit ups, and Brooklynn playing with her hands.

"She's awake!" I hear Sammy yell.

I groan, "Shh, to loud."

"Sorry." She whispers, trying again, "She's awake."

"How ya feeling?" Ben asks me.

"Like shit." I sit up, rubbing my head, "What happened?"

"Your dad hit you over the head because he knew you'd never go along with his and Mr. Kon's plan. And then they shoved us in here." Brooklynn tells me.

"Where's Kenji?" I look around, not noticing the blue-shirted boy.

I hope he's okay.

Everyone looks down.

Please tell me he's okay.

"He went with them." She says, eyes downcast.


"Where did they go? The last thing I remember is Lana claiming her survival." I ask.

"Nublar." She sighs.

Please tell me that's a joke.

"As in... the same island we just escaped, Nublar? And he's going back?" I lean my back against the glass.

"That'd be the one." Brooklynn nods as Sammy adds on, "He went because he said we weren't his friends anymore. He said...he said we weren't family anymore. Camp fam..."


"He just...said that and left? He left us in a pen? Like we're animals?" My voice cracks at the end.

Wait, I have an idea.

"I can probably break out with my weapons!" I gasp, reaching down to grab my sword, but it wasn't there. 

"Elvira..." Ben puts his hand on my shoulder as I frantically look around.

"W-where did it go? Where's my backpack?" I stand up quickly, getting dizzy as my eyesight blackens and my ears ring, blood seeping down the back of my neck and my temple.

"They took it." Yaz says.

"What?" I stop moving as I shake my head, gaining my hearing and eyesight comeback.

"They took your weapons, we tried to stop them, we really did, but-" I cut Brooklynn off, patting down my legs, "No, they didn't."

"Huh?" Sammy tilts her head.

"They only took the visible ones. I have stuff hidden under my pants." I begin to smile.

"But you can't break out of here with any of that. The glass is built for dinosaurs." Ben informs me.

"Oh..." My smile drops and I sit back down, leaning against the glass.

"Why would he do this?" Yaz stops doing sit ups.

"You think you know a guy." Ben sighs.

"Yeah. What you all said. What do you think, Darius?" Sammy speaks unsurely, turning to Darius, who put his finger up, mumbling as a clock ticks and a BRAD-X walks in, scans us, and then walks back out.

"Alright, guys, that BRAD patrols every half hour, which means we have thirty minutes to get out of here." Darius speaks for the first time since I've woken up, "Elvira, glad to see your awake. Everyone, look around for exits."

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