First Date?

202 6 14

Elvira POV 

Most mornings I wake up to yelling, roaring, or being shaken awake by a frantic fellow camper. But this morning, I was awoken by Kenji playing with my hair, which was quite pleasant.

"Morning." Kenji's morning voice sounds in my ears, his breath tickling my neck as he speaks.

Jesus Christ, I forgot his morning voice is hot.

"Morning." I whisper.

"Sleep well?" He mumbles, lips pressing against my neck.

"Yeah." I roll over so we were facing eachother, with his arms still wrapped around me, and my leg over his. His chin was just above my forehead as I looked up at him, a soft smile gracing my lips. Luckily for us, the other campers were still sleeping, so they didn't have to watch us.

"No nightmares?" He asks.

"Nope. Come to think of it, I don't normally have nightmares when I share with you." I tell him.

"I'm just that great." He smiles, pressing his lips to mine in a quick kiss.

I laugh quietly, "Yeah. You are."

We stare at each other for a few moments, before he laughs and rolls on top of me.

"What're you doing?" I squint.

"This," He peppers kisses all over my face, "And this," he kisses my neck some. Not like hickeys, just regular kisses, "some of this." He kisses my collarbone, all the way down to the neckline of my shirt. It was a v-neck, so it has some cleavage, but not much, and not enough to make it really sexual.

(I typically wear a medium, but I ordered an xl because it ran small and I like stuff bigger. The shirt was bigger, a perfect size, and the bottoms fit perfectly. They have a bit of a stretchy waist, but I'd still size up depending on how you like your clothes. I have bigger thighs, and these kinda cling to them, but it's not uncomfortable for me. Also, they are so comfortable, I wish I didn't have to take them off. I haven't washed them yet. Also, they came in like, three or so days, so that was good. If you buy them lmk if you like them.)

I laugh at him, "Kenj!"

"What?" He smile, pulling away and staring at me.

"Your turn." I smile, flipping is so I was on top and the one giving him kisses.

"Elvira!" He laughs quietly.

"Hm?" I pull away, tilting my head at him.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see your pretty eyes." He looks at me, flipping us over by surprise and kissing my lips, "So pretty." He mumbles, pulling away to stare at me again, before kissing me more.

I laugh giddily, "Ken, I need to go get ready. Who knows what we're doing today?"

"No." He pouts, "Stay with me."

Andjdndej that's so cute.

"Kenjiii." I laugh.

"Please?" He kisses me again.

I sigh, "Why don't we go to our rooms, get ready, and then we can be together?"

"But I wanna be together right now." He whines.

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