We Are So Screwed

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Elvira POV

I wake up before everyone else, deciding to go ahead and get ready. I shower, leaving my natural hair down. 

 I put on (outfit at top or whatever you want her in) I, of course, I slip a knife into my shoe, as well as on my upper right arm. I grab my supplies backpack (with the things mentioned in the fourth chapter) that I always carry on me and set it on the couch beside me. I put my headphones, which were connected to my Walkman in, deciding to listen to Queen. After a while, everyone else starts to file out and chill on the couch. 

"Do they understand how old we are? I mean, when was the last time you even saw a crayon?" Kenji says after reading Dave and Roxie's note.

"Mm, I have notes." Yasmina hums.

"Yasmina!" Sammy scolds. Ben hiding his drawing away.

"Brooklynn, what's new, superstar?" Yasmina notices Brooklynn walking in with a look anger.

"I wouldn't know, because someone," She puts extra emphasis on the word, " stole my phone!" 

"Brooklynn, who hasn't had your phone?" Yasmina says, I mean, she wasn't wrong.

"I needed to check the weather..." Ben says.

"Dr. Sattler posted a new column on microfossils.." Darius replies.

"I had a sick selfie opp." Kenji replies. Brooklynn sighs, looking at me and Sammy.

"Hey, I didn't touch it, I would hate if someone would of taken mine." I tell her, honestly.

"I, uh, haven't seen it either" Sammy says, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"Really?" Brooklynn says, not believing the girl.

"We aren't kayaking till later, we have plenty of time to check for the phone." Darius tells Brooklynn, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Oh," Brooklynn scoffs, "I know exactly where to look. What do you think, Sammy?"

"Uh." The girl replies.

"What is your deal?" Yasmina asks Brooklynn," Sammy said she didn't touch your phone! You ever think you might have just lost the stupid thing?"

"Hey, you do not get to go through people's thing just because you're famous!" Yasmina says when Brooklynn tries to go through Sammy's bags.

"That's a bit excessive, Brooklynn." I tell her. Even if Sammy did have the phone, it would only cause trouble to go through her things.

Everyone pauses, hearing a loud roar outside.

"Is it a T-Rex?" Someone asks.

"Mm, uh, no." Darius replies.

"Friend-ish, or foe-ish?" Ben asks, cowering in fear.

"Definitely foe-ish" I tell him.

"Oh, maybe they moved a Dino from the lab to an encloser," Darius suggests. "Maybe we could see it from the zipline!"

"Awesome! What are waiting on? Let's go!" Sammy says, grabbing his arm. Weird.

Everyone starts walking to the elevator. 

"Wait, but it's arts and crafts day. Let's wait for Dave and Roxie, right, Kenji? Elvira?" Ben says.

"You can, I'm gonna go see a T-Rex, or a girl fight." Kenji says, walking to the elevator.

"I'm curious on how this will turn out." I tell Ben, grabbing my backpack from beside me, following the others.

"Wait! Don't leave me!" Ben yells after us, running into the elevator just in time for it to close."

After a while of walking, we finally make it to the tower.

As everyone tries to get into the gate, I look at it, wondering if I can run and jump it. 

"Oh, wow, looks like no one's here, better go back." Ben says.

"Wait, where is everyone? Normally people are here?" Kenji voices everyone's thoughts.

I decide to run, climbing over the gate. Ironically, the same time I do this, Brooklynn unlocks the gate with her bobby pin.

"Parkour!" I laugh. 

"Wha-how did?" Darius questions me.

"Cool!" Kenji high fives me.

"What? Never seen my 'Unboxing Kathmandu' video? Hacks for when you lock yourself out of your hotel room?" Brooklynn question's us when we look at her after she unlocked the gate.

Yasmina starts rushing up the stairs and I follow right after her. I'm glad I work out a lot otherwise I would not have been able to do that.

"Is anyone else hot?" Sammy asks once everyone gets to the top of the stairs. A few people chorus out various yeses. The ground shakes, everyone rushes over to the edge to see what it was.

 A Brachiosaurus walking out from the trees, roaring. The roar we heard sounded much deeper than what a Brachi sounds like.

"That doesn't make any sense?" Darius says, "They sound more like," He tries to imitate its roar.

We all look down, seeing two adults yelling at us to get down. A few of us saying they can't hear them.

"Guy's, they said an asset is out of containment." I tell them. I head freakishly good hearing. Sometimes I think it's because of how I grew up, but I'm not sure that's even possible.

"How the hell did you hear that?" Kenji asks me.

"Good hearing." I tell him, tapping my ears. Just as I say that, a huge, white dinosaur walks out from the trees, roaring. It eats the men that were at the bottom.

"It got em! It got em!" Ben yells.

"As long as we are up here, we're safe." Kenji says. Just as he says that, the dinosaur looks up at us, grabbing the base of the tower.

I give him a, "what the fuck?" Look, "Way to go, dumbass!" 

"The zipline! Go!" Darius yells, putting Ben on first. Everyone except me gets on.

"You're strong, yes?" I ask Yasmina.

"Yeah?" She answers, confused. I hope this works.

"Please catch me." I tell her, running and jumping onto her, successfully making the zipline move. The dinosaur cut the line. The last thing I remember is hitting the ground, blacking out.

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