It's Her Territory

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Elvira POV

"Be back later, Kenji, Elvira! We're gonna go investigate a mystery!" Sammy and Brooklynn walk past us, going to said mystery.

"Yeah, that's nice..." Kenji halfheartedly mumbles, messing with the compass. He's can't figure it out but way to funny to tell him.

"Whatcha doin?" Yaz walks up to us.

I laugh quietly, "Just listen." I tell her.

"Ookayy" she drags out the word, confusion gracing her pretty features.

"I...I think the compass is busted," Kenji frowns, "I keep trying to find north, but the needle keeps moving." 

"See." I smile, nudging her.

"North." She points Kenji in the right direction.

"I—I knew that..." Kenji stutters, she pats his shoulder, giving me a look that says, 'sure he did.'

I hum, "I bet you did, Kenj."

"I did!" He defends, setting the compass on some crates.

"You shouldn't set that there, what if you lose it? Or what if a dinosaur takes it?"

"That won't happen." He assures. I don't believe him.

A compy squeals, "get out of here!" Yaz kicks at it.

"I got this," Kenji throws a coin at it, "Grabbed some quarters from the penthouse, best way to keep the compys  away. They love money."

"You mean shiny things?" Yaz suggests, looking at the compy that ran after the money.

"Same dif," he leans against some crates. "Like my dad always says, when you got a problem, throw cash at it."

"Uh, Kenji. Not so sure that's a great idea. You know what you get when you feed a pigeon." Darius joins the conversation, walking up next to me.

"A fat pigeon?" Kenji guesses.

I pause, "Well...yes,, Kenji."

"More pigeons!" Yaz punches his shoulder, "You get more pigeons!" She gestures to the pack of screeching compy's.

"Oh, for fucks sake, Kenji." I mumble.

"I didn't know!" He defends, "It's a good thing I'm rich! Here ya go." He tosses money at the compys. I just sigh and roll my eyes.

"You are making it so much worse!" Yaz yells.

"Fetch! Get the quarters!" Kenji speaks, continuing to throw quarters.

Darius gasps, "She's got the compass!" We look over to a compy running through the woods, starting to chase it.

"I told you, Kenji!" I yell at him.

"I didn't think I dinosaur would take the compass!" He yells back.

"Be back later, Ben. You're in charge!" We run past Ben.

"Go get her, Yaz, Elv!" Kenji yells to us, I was in the lead, Yaz was second.

"Don't play with me, compy!" She calls to it, "You will not outrun me!" The compy drops the compass.

"There!" I point to it.

"Oh come on!" I moan, seeing it get stolen by another compy.


"That's cheating!" Yaz yells after the compy, "Come on! Quit slacking!" We run past the boys, stopping infront of a abandoned building.

"Guys, do you know where we are?" Darius whispers, "Welcome, to Jurassic park."

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