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Elvira POV

Darius had put together a plan to help us get off the island—take away the Dino food, food plane comes in, we get onto said food plane, and bam, we're back home—personally, I doubt it'll work in our favor, nothing ever does. Brooklynn and Sammy took away the food, Yaz and Darius were disabling the feeding platform, and Kenji, Mae, Ben, and I, we're watching the t-Rex's. I was with them because me and Yaz are the fastest, but Yaz didn't want Dino duty, something about needing a break because she had stayed up late. 

 Also, I'm almost positive Kenji is sick, or is getting sick, and if he gets me sick, I'll kill him.

"According to their QEEG'S, they-" Mae looks at her tablet.

Kenji furrows his brows, "Their what now?" 

Mae racks her brain for a 'dumbed down' answer, "Uh-th-their-maps of their brains. Yeah? See, look. They're in a light but peaceful stage of sleep. We just have to be sure to be extra quiet." 

Unfortunately, Kenji coughs right at that moment.

"Sh! Your gonna wake em'." Ben scolds.

"I had a tickle. Won't happen again." Kenji defends,  making faces as he holds in a cough, inevitably, he lets it out, and they wake up. 

"Oh, no, poor things. They're still hurt." Mae pouts, watching the dinosaurs groan in pain, the youngest, Little Eatie, not being able to stand up, "They should've received medical attention by now. Let me call a med BRAD." 

"We gotta tell the others. They'll be sitting ducks!" Ben says, watching the oldest of the dinosaurs, Big Eatie, stand up and walk off.

We climb down the latter, running over to Yaz and Darius, "We gotta go!" Kenji shouts.

"Yaz?" I call, seeing the girl not moving, I gently tug her hand,"Cmon." 

Kenji sees our struggle, so he rushes over and grabs her other hand, helping me get her to move along.

"It worked! The plane'll be here in three hours with new food and replacement parts." Mae celebrates, "You lot are almost home!" 

"Up top! Oh yeah!" Kenji and Darius high five. Kenji pulls me into a hug, "We're going home!"

"I hope so." I smile unsurely, hugging him back.

"Take that Manticore—!" A green light starts to shine onto us, interrupting Sammy's celebration.

"Unauthorized life form detected." The dog robot comes into view, it's eyes starting to glow red as it circles us, it's jaws opening, as if it was ready to attack.

"Uh, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that's not good?" I pull my sword out, standing infront of the others.

"Stop! Stand down!" Mae walks infront of us.

"Command override due to unauthorized life forms." The robot slowly stalks towards us.

"That...doesn't sound good." Kenji puts his arm out, backing away.

"Initiating elimination  protocol." The robots eyes start flashing between it's cool blue color to a red color.

"Run! Everyone run!" Mae shouts. 

"Keep left. The lock to the supply plane is just up ahead." May calls.

I swing my sword into the side of one of the BRADS, because it had started firing volts. 

"Quickly!" Mae rushes us into another invisible door, another sanctuary, if you will.

"I hate those things." I grunt out, putting my sword away.

"Where did you even get that stuff?" Mae gestures to my weapons.

"Some of them I had from home, but most of them I found on the island." I explain.

"Your parents were okay with you having those?" May asks, causing the others go silent, "What?..."

"Well, uh, you know, I doubt my parents care, cus they're dead." Her eyes widen at my statement. 

Honestly, I love saying it so bluntly and seeing people's reactions.

"Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry! How-" Mae gets cut off by the door opening and the BRADS running in.

"I'm really beginning to hate these guys!" Mae yells.

"Beginning!?" Ben exclaims.


"How do we stop the BRADS from following us?"  Sammy asks.

Brooklynn gasps, "I have an idea! You guys go in ahead. Trust me, go!" 

Mae ushers is into another enclosure, this one being the arctic. I'm glad I didn't change when we were in the desert.

"I thought you said this was the way to the plane?" Yaz shutters.

"It is. After we get through this biom-" oh, so that's the word, cool, "—It's cold, but still uninhabited, except for us. We'll be safe."

"And here I thought Nublar was the trippiest place I'd ever seen." Darius hugs himself.

"I am definitely not dressed for this." Ben shivers.

"N-none of us are. It's...definitely not helping my cold." Kenji whines—Sorry, did he say his cold?

My eyes widen, "You're sick!?" 

"I-I mean, our cold. Cus, cus, it's cold...out here." Kenji tries to save himself.

"Who cares? I've never even seen snow before!" Sammy's eyes light up, "It's so pretty!" She opens her mouth, letting some snow fall onto her tongue.

"You do realize that is Manticore snow." Yaz puts her hand on Sammy's shoulder.

Just let the girl have some fun.

"Yeah. Pretty or not, none of us will last very long out here." Darius says.

"Yeah we will," Mae says, "we've got these." She points to two snow mobiles. 

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