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Elvira POV

As me and Darius stand up from under the tree, which had fallen just above us, we look around, spotting one of the t-Rex's under the tree, trapped.

"We're going to help, okay?" Darius says to the dinosaur, which groans in response. Darius presses a button on May's tablet, a roar sounding from it. "Help. You understand, don't you?" 

"We have to tell the others and get them to come help." I tell him, nodding to the tablet.

"You're right, Vir." He sighs and sends the others a message.

I playfully scoff, "I always am. Hey, I'm gonna go over there and through some knives while we wait for the others.

"Okay, have fun." He speaks, absentmindedly, not looking up from his spot infront of Big Eatie.

I start walking a little way away from him, hearing as mumbles and then calls after me.

"Wait, your gonna what? —"

I shrug off my backpack, taking out a few throwing knives from it. I look around for a minute, spotting a hole in a tree, and deciding it would be my goal to hit. But for some reason, I couldn't do it. Maybe I was losing my touch, maybe I was just distracted, I don't know. But I couldn't hit the spot. I huff for what felt like the millionth time of not hitting my goal, which caught Darius's attention.

"Are you okay?" He raises a brow at me.

"Yeah. Yep, yeah, I'm fine." I lean back against the tree, trying to cover the marks from where I had missed my target.

"Really? Because I only asked because you keep huffing, your face is red, and you look like you're going to kill someone." He crosses his arms.

I run my tongue over my top front teeth and roll my eyes, "I can't hit the target and I don't know why."

"You're probably just having an off day." He shrugs it off, not seeing the big deal.

"But I'm always good at this, I never miss. This has been my thing since I was twelve, and I've never had any problems until now. What if I'm losing my touch? Or what if I can't protect you guys anymore? What if I'm not good at fighting or using weapons anymore?" I rant. If I can't protect mother would be right. 

"Elvira, you're still going to be good at everything you are now, and you'll still be able to protect us. Maybe you just need to focus? Your mind is clearly all over the place right now, and that can't be good for you...or what you're trying to do." He tells me, sighing. "Just...focus, okay?" 

"Okay." I sigh, doing as told. I remember a breathing exercise Peter taught me for focusing and for calming down from being angry or frustrated. In...out, in... out. He told me to do those five or more times until I've calmed down, or until you think I'm focused. After I've done it, a pull my knife back, breathe in and out one more time, close my eyes, and throw. I hear a cracking sound, and open my eyes to see that I had hit the target I had been aiming for, and not only did I hit it, I made a crack that went a few inches below my knife. "I did it!"

"That's awesome!" Darius smiles at me warmly, "See, all you had to do was focus."

"Yeah yeah, you were right." I laugh, picking up my knives and putting them away, it was getting dark now, so I wouldn't be able to see what I'm doing. "Thank you, D."

"For what?" He asks me, confused.

"Helping me with that, and everything else you've done for us." I walk over to him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Oh. Well, someone had to be the Dino nerd that could help us out." He smiles.

"Yeah, but even just...everything else you've done for us since we got trapped on Nublar, or here. You've done a lot for us, Darius." I squeeze his shoulder.

"Yeah, but what about you? You've gone out of your way to protect all of us." He looks at me. Can this kid take a compliment?

"Well...I mean...someone had to be the fighter and protecter of the Camp Fam." I joke.

Speak of the devil. The rest of our group drive over to us in a snow glider, Brooklynn popping her head out. 

"Hey Dino nerd, fighter. Need some help?" She greets.

"Thanks, guys. Just in time." Darius looks up at her.

We hook stuff up to the tree, using the snow glider to haul it off of Big Eatie, when Little Eatie walks up to us and nudges the snow glider with her snout, roaring and walking off with Big Eatie. 

"So based on the fact that they're not displaying evasive behavior anymore, I think we're done with earthquakes for now." Darius sits down on the back of the snow glider.

"You're really starting to understand them." Brooklynn leans against the glider, crossing her arms.

"Their easier than some people." Darius replies.

I snap my fingers and point at him, "You can say that again."

"Sammy, Ben. Let's go." Yaz says, pulling Ben with her.

"Why?" Ben stumbles, but followed her, nonetheless.

"I saw him today. He controlled Toro, and he didn't care, like, at all." She informs us, sitting down beside Darius, who just sighs at the news, not looking up from Mae's tablet. "Elvira, how are you not throwing a fit right now? He's your boyfriend, and your dads there, too."

I sigh and throw my head back, groaning, "I'm angry, of course I am, but I have no time to show it, and we have more important things to worry about right now."

"Whatever you say, Elvira. I just wanted to let you both know what he did." She smiles at me and Darius, walking over to the others. 

"Darius?" I take her spot beside Darius.

"Yeah?" He responds.

"Are you okay? Besides all the shit with this island." I gesture around us.

"Yeah, I'm okay." He sighs, "I just...I thought Kenji was my best friend, and part of me thinks he still is, but...most of me doesn't know if I can ever trust him again."

"Do you think you'll ever forgive him?" I ask.

"I don't know. What about you?" He turns to me.

I chew the inside of my cheek, "Me neither. I hope I can, I just...I know I don't particularly care for the dinosaurs, but they shouldn't be controlled like this, it's not okay. I just wish I could understand what he's thinking, you know? My dad, too. It's hot and cold with the both of them now."

"That's why I love the dinosaurs and Mae's technology so much. Nothing messy, I always know what they're thinking." He hops down from the glider. 

"Sometimes I wish we had that for humans." I laugh. 

"Yeah." He looks down, "What do we do now?" 

Brooklynn and the others walk back over to us, "Well, we did find a way to put a dent in Kon's and Jones's plans."

"Yeah?" I raise my eyebrows, "What are we waiting on then?"

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