Don't Call Me That

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Elvira POV

Ben and I had taken off after seeing Bumpy and Blue. Kenji had brought them both back with him, and to say we were pissed was an understatement. 

"Ben, Elvira! We won't get Bumpy and Blue back without a plan!" Darius whisper shouts after us.

"I don't give a shit." I hiss, "I'm getting her back, and I don't care if I hurt them in the process."

"No way." Ben says, putting his arm out infront of me as we stop, seeing Kenji, mine and his dad, an armed man, and... Hawkes? That son of a bitch. Hawkes turns back around, making Ben and I hide behind a tree, as to not be seen by the man.

"Did you guys find them?" Brooklynn stops beside Ben and I, seeing as everyone except Kenji and Hawks walk into the building.

"No. But we found Kenji and his new best friend." Ben rolls his eyes.

"Hawks." Darius whispers. "Mr. Kon and Mr. Jones are the exact type of guys to work with Hawkes. No offense, Vir."

"None taken." I nod at him. "I agree with you. I never thought Kenji would work with him, though."

"Hey, they're gonna be so mad when they find out Brooklynn deleted the files, the blueprints, and we destroyed the chips." Darius says.

"Hey, sh! Look." Ben points to the entrance as my dad and Kenji's dad walk out...calmly?

"Why do their mad faces look calm?" Ben asks.

"It's a parent thing. My dad has always been good at that." I tell him.

Yeah, he was good at it unless his anger kicked in.

"The chips are gone, and the workshop is trashed." Mr. Kon says.

"By the earthquake?" Kenji asks.

"No, by my stupid daughter and those other kids. I can't believe her." My dad rolls his eyes. 

If find it hard to believe that he finds it hard to believe that I would do this. I mean, come on. That's definitely something I would do. And Yaz and Sammy helped. 

"So what? We don't get paid?" Hawkes asks.

"Jones's and Kon's always think ahead." My dad says.

"There's a backup of the chips scamadics. It's on a flash drive hidden in the jaw of one of those BRAD-X's" Daniel finishes. (Does anyone know how to spell the last word of the first sentence? I don't think I did it right.)

"But all of the BRAD-X's are down, so..." Kenji trails off.

"So, we turn them back on, son. And then it's just a matter of calling the right one over." Daniel tells him.

"Alright, let's go to the compound." Kenji starts walking, only to be stopped by my dad and Daniel.

"Hold on, you're not going. I'm putting you in charge of the assets. The chips are the priority. These dinosaurs need to be in perfect condition for Dodgson. And those twins, well..." Mr. Kon puts his hands on Kenji's shoulder. 

"Sure, dad. I'm on it." Kenji walks off, making Ben slam a fist into the tree as I scoff, glaring at my boyfriend. If he even still wanted to be, after all of this. That asshole!

"Ben? Elvira?" Yaz asks us.

"I'll follow Kenji. Hopefully he'll lead me too Bumpy." Ben stands and starts walking away.

"I'm going with you. I need to find Blue." I stand and start to follow him, standing by his side. 

"Hey, should we go with you?" Brooklynn asks.

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