I Don't Need A Dinosaur To Hurt People

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Elvira POV

So, right now, we are lost in the woods, trying to make our way to the boat, we would already be there, but Darius, being the self-sacrificing child he is, went off on his own to look for Ben, who had run off to see Bumpy again.

 How Darius went without us, you might ask? He tricked us and ran off. Coward. Also, Yaz was being really weird. She was being...nice.

"You guys got this, I believe in you." Yaz encouraged us.

"Okay, yep. I definitely should find an antidote. That giant porcupine is really starting to affect me now." My eyes widen.

"Okay," Kenji drags on the y, "and?"

"And what? I just really believe in you guys. Keep up the good work." Yaz says. Yep I'm definitely losing it. 

"Did she just...encourage us?..." Kenji looks at me and Brooklynn.

"I-I can't tell." Brook whispers.

I hum, "Pretty sure she did." 

"Uh, okay, well. Whenever we're on our way to the boat, Darius is always like, "did you know that stegosaurus's pull bark off the trees to blah blah blah." Because he always sees the tree without the bark! We find that, we find the boat!" Kenji imitates.

"Great job guys! We're gonna be out of here in no time!" Yaz thumbs up.

"What in the actual-" Kenji cuts me off, whispering, "I'm so confused..."

"We know, Kenj." I mumble. He lightly shoved me.

"You wound me, really." He puts a faux look of offense on his face, a hand pressed to his chest. I smile in return when he puts his arm over my shoulders.

We continue to walks some more, being stopped when Sammy asks to take a break. Thank God, I was feeling a little woozy myself.

"Better?" Brooklynn asks the girl.

"I...hope so." Sammy responds.

"Way to be prepared." Yaz puches Kenji's shoulder, receiving a light, "ow" in return.

Brook sighs, "Yaz, Can we...talk...for a minute?"

"Sure, what's up, camp fam?" She leans on Kenji.

"Your kindness is killing us. Killing." Kenji leans towards her.

"Look, Sammy needs us to stay positive, so that's what I'm doing." Yas spits.

"I'm not sure why we do these little side huddles and such, cus I can here every word y'all are sayin." Sammy says, "Yaz, your kindness, is killing me too."

"Killing." Kenji buts in, receiving a hand to his face.

"But I was just trying to-"

"I know, I know. You're just tryin to help, but your freakin us out, man! I thought I was hallucinatin or somethin the way you were actin." She pauses, looking forwards, "uh, wait, maybe I am, hallucinatin. Are you guys seein floatin fairies?"

"Uhm yep. Yeah. Maybe I'm hallucinating too." I look over.

"The parasauralophes's, from the caves!" Yas yells out.

"Shit!" I yell, running along the path the dinosaurs made.

I gasp, "Fucking shit!" I scream, seeing the scorpious jump beside me, eating a dinosaur. We continue running before we are a safe distance from the dinosaur.

"Darius? You there?" Brooklynn asks through the walki.

"He probably just turned it off so we wouldn't big him." Kenji looks at the pink haired girl.

"Kenji's probably right." I scrunch my nose, "Gross. I hate saying that."

Brooklynn laughs, "I get what you mean."

Kenji gasps, looking between me and Brooklynn, an offended look crossing his face, "Hey!"

Me and Brooklynn look ay eachother and laugh, starting to run ahead. Stopping when we see the dock infront of us.

"Why did you-" Kenji asks us, stopping as well when he sees it. We all look at eachother and start running towards it.

"Yes!" I cheer.

"And I thought finding the boat the first time was the happiest I'd be to see it. Would it be weird if I hugged it? That'd be weird, right? Ah, imma hug it." Sammy hugs the boat.

"Sammy's back, folks." Brooklynn looks at her. 

"You jinxed it." I look at Brooklynn, seeing Sammy throw up.

"What about you?" Kenji looks at me.

My brows furrow, "What about me?" 

"How are you feeling?" He specified.

"Fine." I shrug. That was a lie, I feel horrible.

"Hopefully there's an antidote on the mainland." Brooklynn looks at me.

I shrug, "I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Never hurts to take it anyways." She looks at me.

"I guess..." I mumble.

"Hey, Elvira?" Sammy walks over to me.

"Yeah, Sammy?" I respond.

"Why aren't you taking Blue?"

"She wouldn't be allowed on the mainland anyways. And, as much as I'll miss her, this is her territory, and she doesn't do well around people, anyway." I smile sadly, thinking about my Blue companion.

Kenji shudders, "Maybe that's for the best." 

I glare at him, "I can still hurt people without her, ya know." 

His eyes widen, he gulps, "Understood."

I smile, "good."

We hear a rustling in the bushes, looking over.

"Ben! Darius!" Kenji shouts, thinking it was them, "Told ya we'd never leave you guys!"

Unfortunately for us, what walked out of those bushes was definitely not Ben or Darius. 

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