She's Like A Younger Sister To Me

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Sammy and Elvira had passed out and were now lying on the floor of the treehouse. Sammy was whimpering in her sleep, her now yellow skin covered in a sheen line of sweat, Yaz holding her hand. Elvira was the same, except, for some reason, Elvira's whimpers sounded more scared than Sammy's, who sounded pained. 

Everyone thought it was scary, seeing Elvira in such a vulnerable position, she was always the tuff one, the one who would push through anything, survive anything. She was the strong one, mentally and physically. She could do tons of manual labor; she could protect them with her fighting skills and her killer dinosaur. She never judged them; she was always kind and protective. They even noticed how some days she would be more on the childish side and on others she would be more like a teenager or adult. 

And it hurt everyone to see Sammy like this, too. Sammy had a kind heart, towards everyone. She was sweet and innocent. Neither of them deserved to suffer like this, especially not knowing if there was an antidote or not. Sammy had already suffered with her family ranch and not knowing if it would be there when she returned, if she returned. 

And everyone knew Elvira had suffered through everything with her parents, her aunt, and the trauma she won't share with them, but they know it's there. The way she flinches slightly if you do certain things around her, or the jokes she makes about her life back home, the scars they've accidentally seen, some of the things she let slip around them, or just straight up told some of them. 

"Taking out the quills wasn't enough. The poisons already in their systems. They need an antidote." Darius turns to the group of teens.

Kenji scoffs, "Oh, yeah, sure, an antidote, that'll be easy to find, considering no one even knew this thing existed."

"Maybe the medical supply station will have something." Ben suggests.

"Doubt it, Kenji's right, Scorpios Rex wasn't supposed to ever get out." Darius replies.

Brooklynn gasps, "The video in Wu's old lab! He was attacked but he Scorpios, and, they were giving him, th-this shot in a red vile, I think they said antidote, I'm not-"

"Where is this lab?!" Yaz demands, shaking Brooklynn. Brooklynn pulls a map from her pocket, handing it to the other girl.

"Take care of Sammy until I get back." Yaz runs off.

"Wait, the scorpious went that way!" Darius shouts after her.

"I don't care what's out there! I'm saving her!" Yaz continues running.

"S'okay, wha bout me?" Elvira wakes up, groggy.

"Elvira!" Kenji runs over to her.

"Hey." The girl smiles, incredibly groggy.

"How ya feelin?" Kenji asks her.

"Like shit. But I've felt worse." The girl replies, smiling lightly.

"Sense of humors still intact." Brooklynn smiles at her.

"Always." Elvira taps her head.

"How long have you been awake?" Ben asks her.

"Since Yaz started demanding to know where the lab was." She replies.

"You didn't say anything?" Darius asks the girl, who's eyes were slowly starting to shut again.

"I wanted to watch it play out. I also didn't want to give her false hope for Sammy incase she doesn't wake up as quick as me. I should be fine without antidote." Elvira tells them.

"You're getting that antidote." Brooklynn points a finger at the girl.

"I know, but, do me a favor?" The girl bargains.

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