How Many Times Are We Going To Do This?

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Elvira POV

"Can we ever catch a break?" I groan. 

"Nope." Brooklynn mumbles from next to me.

We had just docked the boat, and were now loading into the helicopter. 

"What are you kids doing out here?" The man that was helping some of us into the helicopter asked.

"Long story." Sammy called, being helped into the helicopter, "Too long."

"Way, too long." Kenji agreed, climbing into the helicopter.

"Definitely, way too long." I agreed, also being pulled to the helicopter.

"Wait, if you're not here to rescue us, why are you here?" Ben asked from his seat in the helicopter.

Do we really want to know?

The man pauses, not having a time to answer because of the loud footsteps of the t-Rex.

My eyes widen, "Well, that's not good." 

"Not the time!" Ben scolds me.

"Sorry..." I mumble. 

The helicopter starts taking off, causing Sammy to almost fall out of the helicopter.

"Woah, what the hell are you doing, lady!? Our friends are down there!" I yell, helping to pull her back up.

"You can't just leave them! Go back!" Ben yelled.

"No no no!" Kenji yells.

I could hear  brooklynn yelling "Wait!" In the distance.

"Lady when I get my hands on you so help me God!" I move towards her, being helled back by Kenji.

She's lucky he's holding me back right now.

"We can't fly without her." He tries convincing me to not hurt the lady. 

"I can! My uncle taught me when I was a kid. We don't need her." I struggle in his hold. He shoves me in the seat, buckling me In.

"How could you just leave them like that!?" Sammy yells.

"To keep us alive!" The woman replies, "You're welcome."

"You aren't thanked." Kenji crosses his arms.

I slip one of my knives out of my thigh holster, flipping it around in my hand, a mocking plastered on my face "It's going to be really embarrassing when people find out you were killed by a teenager when you're on a dinosaur infested island."

"What is wrong with you, kid! I'm trying to help you and you want to kill me!" The woman screams at me.

I sigh, calmly replying, "I understand your trying to help, but you're doing it wrong." She sighs at me, so I continue, getting angrier as I speak, "We've all been through shit you couldn't even begin to Imagine. Whether it be on this island or back home, we've been through and seen more than most adults have or should. And we don't necessarily have the best luck with strangers." The last part was a reference to Tiff and Mitch, manticore, and my past.

She ignores me, talking to someone else, "November Echo, Seven Six Five, three kids on board. Hanson's...gone."

I do feel bad for her, don't get me wrong, she just lost someone she was, probably, close with. But she's also made to many mistakes already for me to trust her.

"November Echo, do you copy!?" The woman yells. She had been saying that for, like, fifteen minutes. No one's copying!

"Lady, no one's copying! Turn around and get our friends!" Kenji yells out, voicing my thoughts.

"Pretty please, please, please? I can keep going if it's workin? Please, please, please, pleaseee." Sammy pleads.

"It's not working, sweetie." I give the girl a soft smile.

"Stop. We're not going back. The idea is to avoid threats." The woman replies, sternly.

If that was the case, we wouldn't be in this situation right now.

"Listen, avoiding threats is impossible on this island, and we've done good protecting each other so far. So, you may as well—" Ben cuts me off, "Then you might not want to look out the window."

I groan, "You have got to be shitting me. Why are these things so obsessed with us!?" I nudge Ben.

"Turn the lights off!" Ben yells.

"Are you crazy?!" The woman replies.

"Yes, but just listen!" I shout, fed up with this lady's bs.

"Pteranodons are attracted to light!" Kenji yells.

"Trust me," Ben tells her, "I've got up close experience with this sorts thing. Real, up close." 

The lady still looks leery, so I speak up, "Listen, I have even more experience than he does, I understand it's hard for adults to trust kids because you think you're so high and mighty, but if there's a time to listen to us, It's right now!"

She listens, turning off the lights, and the Dino-birds leave us alone.

"It worked!" The woman cheers.

"We told you it would!" I joke.

 "How long have you kids been out here?" She questions us. 

"Well, when did they evacuate Jurassic world?" Sammy questions.

"Uh, about eight months ago." She replies.

My eyes widen, "I can't wait to rub that in Peter's face! I can see it now, "Hey, Pete, remember that time I survived on a dinosaur infested island with six other kids?" His face'll be priceless!" I laugh.

"Woah, look at us go!" Kenji pulls me into a hug the best he can while we're buckled in.

"Hey, I'm sorry I doubted you." The woman apologized.

Maybe she's not as bad as I thought.

"Eh, we're used to it. If you turn back around all will be forgiven. Rexy should be gone now." I try persuading her.

Unfortunately, she never had that opportunity to turn around, because she swerved to avoid a dinosaur, but we crashed into a tree instead.

"Oh, not another tree!" I groan, grabbing onto the closest person to me, which was Kenji. 

Everything goes black.

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