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Elvira POV

We were sitting around a tree, surrounded by woods and darkness. We were supposed to be meeting with Darius so he could tell us what he's found out so far, but he wasn't here, and we were worried, rightfully so.

"What is something happened to him?" Sammy stresses.

Yaz lightly scoffs, trying to reassure Sammy, "Nothing happened to him...but what if something did?..."

"If something did, Kash is going to have a bunch of very angry teenagers on his hands. And you and I both know; he's not winning in a fight against me." I threaten, thinking off all the ways I could hurt Kash.

Just as I finish speaking, the doors to the compound open, and Darius starts running towards us, being thrown to the ground by a small explosion landing near his feet. A giant robot, kind of like the BRADS, but this one was bigger, only standing on two legs, it was black, muscular, and looked like it wanted to kill you, even if it had no facial expressions. Kash walks out from behind the robot, explaining how he created it to watch after Darius, and seeing as how he's snuck away a few times, this would be his so called, 'babysitter'. Kash demonstrates how the robot it basically unbreakable, hitting it with a golf club, only for the golf club to bend and not leave a single speck of damage on the robot, who he called BRAD X. We watch as they all walk back inside, once again disappearing from our eyes. 

"Six." Ben mumbles.

"What does that mean?" Kenji furrows his brows.

"No idea. But We need to know what Darius knows." Brooklynn speaks. 

I groan, "Do you think this could be taken out by my gun? Or maybe a knife to one of the gaps in its body?"

"Doubtful. If anything, it'll bend the bullet and the knife." Ben replies, looking over to me and shrugging and smiling apologetically, as if to say he's sorry I can't use my weapons.

"Cmon, let's go tell Mae what's happening." Brooklynn ushers us over to Mae, and we explain everything that's happened.

"That coward turned a robot loose on a child!?" Mae leans forward, wincing as she does so.

"Careful." I speak gently.

"That thing was no joke. Kash went to town on it, and it didn't even get a scratch." Kenji speaks somberly.

"Just because it's tuff on the outside, doesn't mean it's tuff on the Inside, too." Sammy says, always the optimist.

"What do you mean?" Brooklynn asks the short haired girl.

"Are you proposing robots have feelings on the inside?" I joke.

"No," Sammy laughs, "I'm sayin, it's just a robot, right? We could shut it down, or reprogram it to be good, instead of evil."

"So, if we find one, we can hack it, and we can swap it out with Darius's." Yaz says, lighting up at the idea.

"We finally have a way to communicate with Darius!" Ben tosses his arms into the air.

"Do we? Can any of us hack into it? Brooklynn and I know a bit about hacking, but is it enough to get passed the data bases of this thing?" I ask them.

"You can hack stuff?" Kenji turns to me.

I hum, "Yeah. Peter taught me a couple years back. He said you never know when you'll need to hack into something. I'm not as good as he is, hell, I'm probably not as good as Brooklynn is, but I still know a bit of it."

"Huh, I'm not sure why I'm surprised." Kenji purses his lips.

"Wow, Brooklynn, Elvira, is there anything you can't do?" May turns to us.

"Fixing sonars, jump starting cars, fighting dinosaurs practically blindfolded, fighting men—and dinosaurs—twice her size, always getting back up no matter how hard she's been hit, surviving being poisoned, MULTIPLE TIMES, reprogramming robots, nope, that's all the major life skills." Kenji lists. 

"NBD. Also, you did realize that most of that list was about Elvira. Two of those things were about Brooklynn." Yaz raises a brow at Kenji.

"No big deal." Ben whispers to May.

"That's what that means?" I look at the two.

"You didn't know that?" Ben turns to me.

"No, I didn't know that!" I defend.

"Well, it's kinda...a BD." Brooklynn speaks up.

"The men were no big deal, that was pretty easy. The dinosaurs are a pain in the ass, though. So was the poison, it still is. And I'm persistent, what can I say?" I push my lips into line.

"Big deal." Ben whispers to Mae, and then turning to me.

"Yeah, I uh, I think she got that. So did I." I lightly laugh.

Sammy Psh's, "We've seen your videos, you've got skills! Like that time, you unboxed silicon valley, AI, is it our future or or destruction?"

"And what about the fact that you still haven't gotten an antidote, and yet you keep fighting, day and night. Even though you probably feel like crap." Kenji leans toward me, putting his arm around my waist.

"Or when you unboxed Detroit and designed your own model electric car?" Yaz speaks to Brooklynn, turning to me, "and what about the time you laughed when Hawkes punched you in the face? You told him he needed to work on his punches because they were weak."

"That was fun." I reminisce.

"Personally, I'm a little surprised, not that you built an electric car, but that Yaz knew about it." Ben says, "Oh, but remember that after you said that you offered to help him correct his punches." 

"Good times." I laugh.

Yaz rubs her knees, "Okay, I may have seen one or two of your videos. The point is, you did all that cool stuff, you could totally crush this robot thing, too."

"Let's go hack a BRAD." Sammy smiles.

And so that's what we did. Or, tried to, anyway. It definitely wasn't easy, getting the thing unconscious. The first plan didn't work, so now we were following the BRAD X somewhere.

"Something tells me we shouldn't go in there." Sammy speaks.

"Which means we're obviously going in there." Kenji says.

"Cmon." Brooklynn ushers us inside the building, we hide behind some crates, watching the BRAD X leave again, and a regular BRAD come in, messing with one of the unconscious BRAD X'S.

"It's a BRAD maxing workshop!" Brooklynn gasps.

I groan, "Give me a break."

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