First Day

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Elvira POV

When I stepped onto the boat, I immediately saw five other campers scattered around. I took a seat on the more closed off section, I'll have plenty of time to make friends when we get to camp. I decide we will probably be here for a while, so I grab my phone and headphones, turning on Netflix and watching Outer Banks. Literally obsessed with that show.

After a while the boat finally pulled up to the dock, we all got out and walked over where a man in a red shirt was standing. 

"Welcome to Isla Nublar, campers. You guys are the chosen few, you are the first kids to ever experience the awesomeness that is Camp Cretaceous. I know the trip from the mainland was hard on some. Hi, Ben." He says, looking over to the boy in a green hoodie, who was throwing up. Ben gives him a thumbs up in return.

"But you made it! I'm Dave, head counselor, yep that's right, head honcho, big shot." He continues his speech. Just as he says that a car pulls up, and a woman in a red shirt walks out. 

"Oh, sorry I'm late, welcome, campers. I'm Roxie, head counselor." She says in a beautiful accent. All of us look at Dave when she said she was head counselor. 

"I-It's a co-head counselor situation." He says.

"Is it?" Roxie replied. 

"Anyway, are you all ready for an adventure?" She asks.

"Absolutely!" A girl with pink hair replies "But I'm gonna need that speech just a little shorter and try really leaning into the majesty of this place." 

"Let's get you seven to camp!" Dave says.

"Uh, there's only six of us" Ben interjects.

Dave looks at them all, "Wait...dino kid, track-star, internet girl, barfy, texas, writer...he's right. Where's seven?"

Roxie lifted up her clipboard, scoffing at something.

 Just as she does, a helicopter fly's in, and a boy in a pink shirt and khakis walks out. 

"Greetings, my dudes, Kenji is here, let the party commence." The boy says, tossing his bag at Roxie. 

He walks over to a boy in a yellow jacket,

"So, what's your deal?" He asks, just as he says that Roxie tosses his bag at him, and it knocks him on the ground. 

"Let's go, shall we?" She says with a proud smirk.

Damnit she's hot.

We all walk over to the jeep and hop in the back, I hop over the edge, as well as a girl in a gray and purple tracksuit.

The girl with the pink hair starts talking on her phone, 

"What's good, Brooklanders, it's ya girl Brooklynn coming at you from Camp Cretaceous, Like and Subscribe to follow my journey of unboxing Jurassic World!" Oh, her name is Brooklynn.

"Okay, I need all of you to say something about yourselves." She tells us, pointing her camera at the boy in a yellow jacket.

"Uh, hi, um, I beat the VR game. I'm Darius, by-" He says, a girl with a flower shirt interrupting him.

"Oh my God, sorry, I just can't believe you're Brooklynn!" She says in a Texan accent.

"I'm Sammy Gutierrez, total Brooklander. Oh, and my family supplies the beef for the park, that's why I'm here." Sammy continues.

"Um, what's a Brooklander?" Darius asks, I'm glad someone did, I was confused, too. 

"Oh, that's just what my online followers call themselves." Brooklynn replies with a smile.

"Uh, all twenty-seven million of us!" Sammy added, using finger guns.

Oh, please stop.

"Yeah, which is why she got to keep her phone, cus she's famous." The girl in the tracksuit says. I didn't know we weren't supposed to have our phones, oops. 

"Wait, rich and famous? Oh, meant to be" Kenji says, stealing her phone and snapping a photo. 

The car stops suddenly. Roxie and Dave get out,

"No need to worry, kids, just stay in your seats." Dave tells us, turning on a tazer staff thingy.

An Compy jumps on Darius, then jumps out of the truck an into Roxie's cat carrier. 

Once everyone is back in the truck and we got on the path again, Brooklynn points her camera at me,

 "Introduce yourself." She says. 

"Whattup, I'm Jared, I'm 19, and I never fucking learned how to read." I say, messing around with her. She was the only one who didn't find it funny, giving me a look telling me to be serious,

"Uh, okay, sorry. I'm Elvira Jones, I love listening to music, reading, and hanging out with my best friend."

And only friend.

Just as I finish saying that, we pull up to the gates of the camp, everyone except Kenji in awe. 

"Cabins are up that a-way" Dave says, pointing to a huge treehouse, 

"First one up gets top bunk!" Yasmina states, running up, bumping Kenji in the process. 

                                                                        At the Zip Line

Darius was pointing at all the dinosaurs, naming all of them. 

"Hey, you guys think it would kill me if I jumped?" I ask, peering over the ledge of the tower, all of them look at me like I'm crazy, which, I am, but still. 

"Yeah, yeah, it probably would." Kenji replies, looking at me oddly.

"Cool, cool." I mumble, loud enough for them to hear. "Just wondering. Research purposes." 

Dave pulls ben over to the zip line, 

"Me? Maybe Yasmina should go, or maybe Elvira" Ben begs as Dave pushes him. 

I go on after Ben, I love heights and fast rides. As I go down, and everyone else goes on after me, we all scream with joy, having the time of our lives. 

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