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Elvira POV

I had gotten to the med bay, just in time for Ben, Mae, and... Pierce? To bring us into another biome on one of the feeding platforms. This one was different, it looked like a swamp. When we arrived, Kenji and Darius ran over to us, wood shields in hand, aswell as bags with what looked to be giant black orbeez. So much for a rest day.

"Dilophosaurus. They spit poison." Darius speaks, running into the platform with Kenji, the dinosaurs following after them.

"That's always good, huh?" I huff out, pulling out my sword. 

"No. Not it is not." Kenji's voice wavers, franticly looking around us as the dilophosaurs's surround us. 

A loud honking and cheering noise interrupts my reply. 

"I've never been so glad to see those three." Yaz, Sammy, and Brooklynn drive up in the snow glider, honking their horn and scaring off the Dino's. 

"We did it!" Darius cheers. No, I'm pretty sure Brooklynn, Yaz, and Sammy did it.

"You guys did awesome on that!" I sheath my sword

"Yes!" Kenji laughs, pulling me into a hug. 

I laugh lightly as he pulls away, putting his hands on my hips and pressing a kiss to my forehead, whispering in my ear. "You always look so good with that sword by your side, ready to fight for us, pretty girl."

I blush, "Kenj..."

"Adorable." He mumbles, pulling me in for a quick kiss to the lips.

"Wait, are you guys, like, together?" Ben points between the two of us in shock. 

"I told you their faces would be good." I look at kenji. 

"Yeah yeah, wait-" he turns to the girls, "Hey, how did you figure out where we were?"

"What do you mean? You sent the BRAD-X to get us?" Brooklynn furrows her brows.

"Yeah, it came to me while I was napping at our spot." I speak.

"No, we didn't." Kenji tilts his head.

Darius gasps, "It's a trap!"

I huff and unsheathe my sword again, "Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?"

I'm gonna kill that little bitch.

Kenji pulls me into his side, squeezing lightly as an army of BRAD-X's march towards us, eyes glowing red. Kash and two other men emerge from behind them.

"You were right, bosses. Kid did have help." Kash speaks.

"You shouldn't leave important devices like these lying around," One of the men says.

"They could fall into the..wrong-" The other walks forwards, both of them revealing themselves to be people I'm quite familiar with.

"Daddy? Sir?" I look at the two men. One of them being my dad, and the other being my dad's old work friend. I never knew his name, because he didn't talk to me much, but my dad always called him sir, in a joking way. So that's what I always did, too. But my dad? I thought he died. A gunshot went off right after I left, and my dad's screaming for me stopped. They had a funeral! I sheath my sword again, realizing my dad, even though it's been so long since I've seen him, wouldn't hurt me. Right?...

"Dad?" Kenji walks forwards at the same time as me, the both of us turning to the other with a surprised look.

"Dad?" I question him.

"Daddy? Sir?" He cocks a brow at me.

An awkward silence crosses us for a moment.

"Kenji? You're alive?" Sir runs forwards, taking Kenji into a hug.

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