Not Every Problem Can Be Solved

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Elvira POV

"You're...insecure about your headband?" Darius tries guessing why Ben is upset.

Ben scoffs, "Never."

"You have a phobia of some sort? Oh! Acrophobia?" Darius tries.

"No." Ben says.

"Autophobia?" Darius says.

"What's that?" Ben asks.

"Uh, I things it's the fear of being alone?" Darius says.

"Isn't everyone?" Ben replies.

"Pretty much."I say

"Spheksophobia?" Darius tries.

Ben sighs, "I don't know what that is." 

"Oh, it's the fear of wasps." I say, "Yeah, I most definitely have that. But they aren't really any wasps here, sooo."

"If you tell me what it is I can help you out." Darius says.

"Not all problems have solutions, Darius." Ben says. 

"What? Yes, they do." Darius mumbles.

"No, Ben's right, not every problem can be solved." 

"You're out of clean underwear?" Darius tries, "you're worried about—"

We're all out of clean underwear, Darius. We're stranded on a deserted island.

"I don't want to leave Bumpy again, okay!?" Ben yells, "That's my problem."

"O—oh." Darius mumbles, " don't have to leave bumpy." Always the optimist, Dare. "We—we can build a bigger raft!"

"Darius...we've already been through this; she's never going to fit on a raft." Ben says, "She has to stay here. There's no other choice." He pauses, "When we got back to camp, and I saw her... I realized it was a mistake to leave her. She's always been there for me, and—and I just abandoned her. I can't—I can't do it again. I just can't." Bumpy pushes him with her head.

"Ben... she'll be okay without you." Darius says

"Of course she will. She's a survivor." Ben says, "it's just... I'm not sure I'll  be okay. I appreciate what you're trying to do here, Darius," Ben wipes away a tear, "But, somethings just...can't be fixed."

Darius sighs, turning to me, "What about you, then?" 

"I don't want to leave Blue. And, even if I do leave... I have no one to go home too." I say, "I mean, I have Peter and his aunt, May. But—" I get cut off by Yasmina and Brooklynn crashing a bit before us.

"Yaz! Brooklynn!" Darius runs towards them.

"Darius! Look out!" Ben yells as a pteranodon swoops down. Ben tackles him, the pteranodon crashing to the ground, then flying back toward us. Bumpy head buts it, but it gets back up, the boys chasing it off. As it flys away, I grab my bow and arrows, shooting it in the head. 

"I hate those damn things." I say, pulling my arrow out of its head. Bumpy growls, nudging me. Blue drags the carcass of the pteranodon away.

"Looks like someone agrees, huh, bumper car?" I smile

"Woo!" Darius says. Him and Ben high five, I stand beside bumpy, leaning on her.

"Woww." Brooklynn and Yasmina walk toward us.

"Impressive." Yasmina says.

"I mean, not as impressive as us flying away from danger, buttt." Brooklynn and Yasmina high five, laughing. When the fuck did that happen?

"I love it when we're all alive!" Sammy and Kenji run toward us.

"Take that Dino island!" Kenji laughs. Sammy hugs everyone. 

"You know I don't really like hug—" I start saying.

"Pleasee?" Sammy smiles at me.

I sigh, opening my arms for her.

Puppy dog eyes are a weakness, okay?

"Hey, it's a bit torn, but this will be perfect for our next boat." Darius starts saying.

"Boat! Boat!" Sammy shakes Kenji.

"Boat!" They both start to laugh together.

"Uh, what are you guys talking about?" Darius asks them.

"I think they've officially lost it. To be honest I thought me, or Ben would be the first to go."

"We saw Tiff and Mitche's boat!" Kenji says.

"Not far offshore, we can get to it." Sammy cuts in

"Wait, really? What's everyone standing there for? Let's go!" I push Kenji and Sammy to the front, as they know where to go. We all start running in the direction of the boat.   

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