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Elvira POV

We had suspicions Darius and Kash were together inside the compound. The Big Eatie and Pierce were still fighting, and there was no sight of either Darius or Kash.

"The drones are forcing them together, split up!" Brooklynn stands, "We need to knock em' outa the sky so they can get away!"

My eyes light up, "Kenji, let's knock them out from the trees, I can use my sword to swing at them, and I can throw my knives at them." 

"That's a horrible idea." He deadpans.

I shake my head, "No, this is a great idea." 

Kenji huffs, "Fine."

We run over and start climbing the tree, making it onto the ledge of the branch.

Kenji grabs my hand before I start swinging at the drones, "Be careful, Vira." 

I smile softly, "Always."

He squints, "That's a lie. You're never careful."

I scoff, "Please, my middle name is careful."

He gives me a pointed look, prompting me to sigh, "Fine, I'm not...the most careful person in the world."

"And your middle name is Maeve."

I start swinging at the robot, but it moves out of the way before it gets hit, making me slide down the tree slightly.

"Elvira!" Kenji yells, tightly grabbing my waist to keep me from falling.

I breath out a sigh of relief, that would've hurt, "Thanks."

He breathily laughs, "Anytime....actually, let's not do that again."

"Sorry, but we have to. Let's just be more careful, yeah?" I apologize, smiling as a piece offering.

Kenji groans and starts climbing higher, "Fine. But be careful, don't fall. I don't want you hurt."

"I would never." I grab his hand, letting him slide me onto a higher branch, but still lower than his.

He hums, "Yeah, for some weird reason, I don't believe you."

I play along, starting to swing again, "That is weird, you're right."

Kenji hits one of the drones, "Got one!"

I toss one of my knives into another drone, effectively taking it down, "Me too!"

"Yes!" Kenji cheers, noticing we took down all of the drones we could reach, a dinosaur rams into the tree, causing him to start sliding down to where I am.

Kenji!" I reach out, making sure he doesn't fall and instead tumbles into me, pinning my back to the tree, his hands above my head.

"Hello." Kenji awkwardly smiles.

I giggle, "Hi." 

"Sorry..." he pulls away.

I shrug, "I don't mind."

He looks at me with a raised brow and a small smirk, "Oh?"

"What?" I feign innocence, climbing down the tree after he lands onto the ground. 

He lifts my chin up, leaning down.

Holy shit is he gonna-

He presses lips against mine, pushing my back against the tree. We stay like that before pulling away for air.

"We should do that more often." He winks at me, starting to walk away and leaving me speechless.

I gulp, "Agreed.

I pluck my knife from the drone, "I'll be taking that now, thank you."

"Two down." Kenji walks over to the others, pulling me into his side.

Pierce falls over, Big Eatie walking over, about to end him, "No!" Luckily, a drone stops her from eating Pierce. I wonder what changed his mind, or if Darius did something. Speak of the devil, he just walked out! With...Kash. That's definitely not good.

" least he's alive?" Sammy says.

I scoff, "For how long?"

"No! Where's be taking Darius?" Yaz questions, watching the platform that Big Eatie was on lower.

"Maybe Mae knows." Brooklynn starts walking.

I huff, "God I hope I can kill him one day."

"Shame we don't have the mososaurus here. She never got her full use." Ben mumbles.

"I mean...she could be. She's the reason we're here." I look at him.

His eyes widen, "I completely forgot she did that." 


"No!" Mae shouts, "I'm sorry, but Big Eatie's already been through so much, and I practically raised Pierce. And, and now Darius is stuck with that monster!"

We had just told her everything that had happened, and she was, understandably, upset.

"I get it," Ben leans forwards, "believe me, but they're tuff, okay? They'll get through this."

Mae sighs, "There's and underground Med Bay, I don't have access, probably because Kash is doing horrible things, he didn't want me to know about. And on top of everything else, now he has my Research. How could I have been so naive?"

"We need another way to get in." Brooklynn says.

"All of the feeding platforms should get you down to the lower level, the next feeding is in the desert." Mae informs us.

"With the...saber tooth tiger?" Ben asks.

"So not, not dangerous." Yaz moves her hand.

Brooklynn stands up, a determined look on her face, "We go get Darius. No matter what."

"Can I murder Kash?" I raise my hand.

"No." Brooklynn responds.

"Please? Please, pleaseeee." I jokingly beg, "I really want to!"

"What happened to "I'll never beg, it's pathetic"." Yaz mocks my saying.

"That's different." I say.

She hums, "I bet it is."

We start making our way to the other biom, Brooklynn running up beside me and Kenji.

"Hey, why is everyone relying on Elvira and I to call all the shots?" She asks.

"Because I can't be a leader and a heartthrob. It's just not fair to everyone else." Kenji jokes, winking at me when he says heartthrob.

"I'm being serious. What if I—we—make a wrong call?" She questions.

"Oh, you will." He replies, causing us to widen our eyes slightly. 

"Dude!" I slap his arm, to which he just grabs my hand and holds it.

"You'll also figure your way out of it. So, I trust ya. Both of you." He smiles.

"Wow. That's...kinda exactly what I needed to hear." She speaks.

"You don't need to sound so surprised." Kenji frowns.

"And they look to you, Elvira, because you're the badass fighter, you protect us all, no matter the cost." Kenji looks towards me.

"What can say except (🎶you're welcome 🎶) I'm a great fighter, if I do say so myself, which I do." I laugh, quoting Kenji at the last part of my sentence.

Kenji raises a brow at me, "Confident much?"

"Only in my fighting skills. I'm very much aware how good I am at that. Not to be cocky or anything, I'm just saying that I am good at that, and I know I'm good at it." I tell him.

"I know what you meant, Elv." He smiles, then starts running faster, "Race ya to the desert!"

My mouth opens and I start following him, "Cheater!"

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