Blue Did What?

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Elvira POV

I woke up to a loud bang from the living area, so I look over and see Kenji, Darius, and Brooklynn missing from their beds. I quickly get dressed into 

(Or whatever you want her in) and shove my knife into my shoe, the other one goes in my pocket

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(Or whatever you want her in) and shove my knife into my shoe, the other one goes in my pocket. I leave my natural hair down, grabbing my phone and heading over to where I saw the others leave. 

When I get there, I see Kenji climbing into the Raptor pen—wait, the raptor pen? SHIT! I run over to Brooklynn as Darius climbs into the pen.

"What the hell are you all doing?!" I half hell half ask.

"We thought it was the compy pen." Brooklynn tries to explain.

"Stay here." I tell her, running over to the pin and jumping down with the boys, I push them behind me as the blue and gray one growls at us.

"You know what you're doing, right?" Kenji asks me

"I know enough to get us out of here." I tell him, putting my hand out in front of me.

"Back up!" I yell at her, staring into her slitted eyes as she tilts her head to the side, chirping, almost as if she was considering listing to me. Surprisingly enough, she actually listened. Holy shit a raptor just listened to me! The others seemed to listen to me as well, because the second she stopped growling, so did they.

"Good girl, stay." I command, authority in my voice. Just then Dave throws meat into the pen all except the blue and gray one run to it. What the hell, may as well try and touch if she's listening to me, I slowly reach my hand out and graze her head.

"Good girl, good girl." I whisper to her as the boys leave the pen. 

"Get out of there!" Dave yells to me.

"I'm trying!" I call back to him, slowly backing up, the raptor stays in the same spot, watching me as I leave the pen gates, which quickly close behind me. Holy shit that was amazing!

"How did you do that?" Darius asks me, excitedly,

"I have no idea, it just...felt right." I tell him, shrugging.

"Are you hurt?" Roxie runs up, putting her hand on Dave's shoulder, who was throwing up.


Kenji, me, and Darius were sitting on the couch in the living room.

"How could you do something this stupid?" Darius asks Kenji.

"I do a lot of stupid things, be more specific." Kenji replies.

"Okay, maybe not my best idea, but look, my dad—look, my whole life, I've been trying to make him proud, if he finds out I messed up...he might give up on me—for good, this time." Kenji tells us.

"And why aren't we talking about how a RAPTOR listened to Elv?" He continues.

"Firstly, don't call me that, secondly, I don't know how that worked."  I tell him, shrugging.

Dave and Roxie barge in,

"We gave Brooklynn a warning, but what you three chuckleheads did—" Dave says, getting interrupted by Roxie,

"Especially you, Kenji! Your recklessness put yours, Darius, Elvira's, and Dave's lives in danger! We should call all of your parents!"

"I don't have parents." I say at the same time Darius shouts "It was my fault! I jumped into the pit, Kenji tried to save me, and Vira—can I call you that? —jumped into save us both."

"You expect us to believe Darius, the kid who knows everything about dinosaurs, got saved by Kenji, the boy who believes dinosaurs went extinct because, and I quote "farts turned the air trashy"—

"Prove me wrong, yo." Kenji interrupts.

Is he serious?

"—who both got saved by Elvira, the girl who can barely go five minutes without making a self-deprecating or suicide joke? Brooklynn's account is quite different from yours." She continues.

"Oh, and Elvira, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? Going into that pin and trying to tame that dinosaur? What is wrong with you!?" She yells at me.

"A lot of things. It worked though." I shrug at her.

"But what would have happened if It didn't? We would have had to call your parents and tell them their daughter died trying to tame a dinosaur! How would you have felt then?"

"First, my parents are dead, second, I'd be dead... so I wouldn't have felt anything" I tell her.

"Wh-you—" She starts, Kenji interrupted her, successfully taking the attention off of me.

"It was dark, and Brooklynn was confused, she needs glasses. Vanity, am I right?"

"Fine, but one more misstep—"

"We'll be fine, we won't let you down again. So," he pauses "what're we doing tomorrow?"

Dave and Roxie look at each other, then back at us, smirking. This is going to suck, isn't it?

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