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Elvira POV

"Kenji, please, stop." I beg him. He had been making weird noises because "it was too quiet".

"What? Is this annoying you? Waka waka deee, waka waka deee." He continues making the weird mouth noises. 

"Kenji-" he cuts me off by tripping.

"You okay?" I help him up.

He nods, "All good."

"What is that?" Yaz looks at the thing he tripped over, which was a metal bar.

"Maybe there's more?" Kenji runs forward, looking for more pieces. He runs face first into some invisible force.

"Kenji? You okay?" Ben asks him.

I help him up, "I wish I got that on video..." 

He glares at me and lightly smacks my shoulder. 

"Guys, look." Brooklynn calls us over.

While we had been messing around, Brooklynn had opened the invisible thing Kenji bumped into.

My eyes widen, "Holy shit..."

They start walking into the building, "Wait, guys!" I whisper shout, successfully gaining their attention.

"What?" Ben raises a brow to me.

"If we find people here, do not trust them immediately, okay?" I talk slowly, making sure they hear every word. 

They nod, "Got it."

I sigh, "Let's get this over with."

Brooklynn walks over to locked entrance, dragging her finger across the padlock, which opens the door, and reveals a completely different environment from before.

"Guys, you remember how, like, five seconds ago we were in a desert?" Brooklynn asks.

"What the heck is this place?" Sammy looks around.

"A big prob—" I get cut off by loud stomps, almost those of a—no, no, we're done with dinosaurs, right? No one else has them, and we escaped Nublar.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that feels like a..." Sammy trails off, seeing a t-rex come into view, "...t-rex..." 

"You have got to be kidding me!" Kenji pulls me behind a tree.

"I thought we were done with this shit!" I yell, my voice covered by the roar of the t-rex.

"Does every island have dinosaurs now?" Brooklynn covers her ears.

"No, only the ones we're on." I retort, annoyance lacing my voice

"Let's ask her." Ben points to a lady crouching behind a log.

"No! What did I say about trusting strangers!" I hit the back of ben's head.

"Who's that?" Kenji asks.

The woman's mouth falls open, her sandwich falling out, damn, poor girl. She runs over to us, "You're trespassing!" She gasps, "Are you here to spy?"

"Yeah. We're an Elite band of teenage secret agents." Kenji deadpans.

I hum, "Like K.C. Undercover."

"Are you crazy?! Your eating a sandwich in the middle of a t-Rex fight!?" Brooklynn says.

"First if all, their not fighting, their p-" Darius cuts the woman off, "Playing?! It's true! Cranialfacial biting!" 

"Uh...yes. Don't change the subject." The woman says.

"Lady, we don't wanna be here either. We just wanna go home." Yaz softens.

The woman scoffs, "Yeah, we'll see about that. Why does your friend over there have so many weapons?" She nods to me.

I roll my eyes, "To protect myself and my friends. I'm not taking them off. My friends right, she's telling the truth, we don't want to be here."

The woman sighs, "Follow me."

"Oh, because following a complete stranger into the woods always ends well." I begrudgingly follow them.


We had explained our story to the woman, and we're now in her "house" of sorts, until we can find a way out of here.

"Wow. As far as caves go. This one's pretty swank." Sammy sits on the couch.

"You live here?!" Darius asks.

"Live, work, play surprisingly competitive games with myself, I usually win." Mae laughs, "Alright. I'm gonna go whip up some sandwiches."

Brooklynn and Kenji start searching the place.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Darius asks them.

"Looking for a phone. You don't really think we're gonna take her word for it?" Brooklynn says.

"Uh, yeah, dude, did you learn nothing from Mitch and Tiff?" Kenji backs her up.

"Guess it doesn't...hurt to look around." Darius agrees.

"Are you guys alright out there?" Mae calls.

"No problems over here!" Kenji calls back.

Sammy gasps and shows us a paper she found, "Manticore..."

I whine, "When are we gonna get a break?"

"Alright, who wants sandwiches?" Mae hands us each a plate, "What's wrong?"

"Uh, we wanted to ask you about—" Yaz gets cut off by Brooklynn, "Something to drink?"

"Oh! Of course, silly me, you need cocoa." Mae walks back into the kitchen.

"We need to go." Brooklynn whispers.

"Maybe not. Sometimes good people can be made to do bad things by bad people." Sammy says.

Isn't that the truth.

"Let's at least check out that area, what if there's a phone or a way off the island and she's trying to keep us from it?" Brooklynn says.

"Why would she do that?" Darius asks.

"Cus she can't tell anyone about whatever shady stuff Manticores doing here." Ben whispers.

"So, it's settled? Kenji and Elvira Can go check It out." Yaz suggests.

"Me and Yaz should come to. We don't know what's out there." Ben says.

We walk out of the house, walking through the forest.

"It's another metal thing. Like in the desert." Ben knocks on it.

I warily look around, "Bones, Brooklynn saw bones near the first one we saw. It's a feeding platform."

"Which means we should get outa here before meal time." Kenji pulls me with him, putting his arm over my shoulder.

A rustle in the bushes causes us to hide behind a log, before realizing it was just a compy. Unfortunately, the relief didn't last long, because a big, robotic dog, walks out from the bushes and fry's the compy. 

"Poor little guy." I mumble, looking at the crisp compy. Chicken, anyone? Kidding, kidding.

The robot starts walking towards us, being stopped by Mae, who yells at It for frying the compy, claiming she could've studied it. 

"Thank goodness you're all okay." She smiles at us.

"What was that thing!?" Ben yells.

"One of the BRADS. they care for the island but I had no idea they did that." Mae says.

"You mean killing?" Brooklynn speaks up.

"Back to the caves. The BRADS aren't authorized to go in there. You'll be safe. And then you can tell my why you lied to me and why you were out here in the first place!" She ushers us back to the caves.

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