Shit, Shit, Shit

553 19 30

Elvira POV

I open my eyes, groaning as the sun blinds me, "is everyone okay?" I groan out, seeing them waking up. They nod in return.

"Where do we go now?" Brooklynn asks.

"How about the genetics lab?" Ben says. The fuck? We all look at him.

"It's a gift." He shrugs.

I open the driver's door, climbing out of Kenji's lap. "You...are a horrible driver." 

"Technically you were the one that drove us into the tree." He replied.

"I hate you."

 We all start to walk in, seeing a... birthday cake? A man pops out, screaming, causing everyone to scream as well. I do, however, grab my knife. 

"Oh, you're not dinosaurs." The man says, "and—do you have a knife?!" He directed that towards me. I tilt me head.

"You never know." I shrug. He looks at me, taking a step back. Funny.

For some reason, everyone except me decides to eat the cake. Why the hell would I eat cake served by a strange man? 

"We are so happy we found you," Darius starts, "there's a giant camouflaged dinosaur out there! And regular dinosaurs. We wanted to find someone with a plan, the parks obviously got a plan. So, what do we do?"

"You're asking me? You'" The man laughs creepily. I flip my knife, ready for whatever he pulls out of his sleeve.

"Don't you get it? We're all doomed." He continues. "Look, no one is coming to help—"

"But Dr. Wu—" Darius starts.

"Who do you think did all this?" The man continues, "This isn't a park, it's a powder keg, and we're all going down."

"But...have to know what to do, you're an adult!" Darius says, dejectedly.

Adults suck, Darius.

"I was hiding until you all barged in!" Eddie says.

"We drive all the way here because—" Darius shouldn't have said that. 

"You have a car?!" Eddie says. 

"Actually, it's a van-"

 He starts running out of the room.

"Guys— I left the keys in the van..." Kenji says. Oh Jesus Christ.

Everyone else rushes out, me in the lead, and Yasmina shortly after. I get to him as he gets in the van, grabbing his coat, putting my knife at his throat.

"Get the fuck away from the van, or I will kill you." I speak, lowly. Unfortunately, before I can actually slit his throat, Yasmina pulls me away, just as the indominus runs over, killing him. 

"I wanted to do that..." I pout as we hide behind some rocks.

*Que arguing over bumpy and distracting the indominus I'm too lazy to add* 

"I'm driving this time." I hop into the driver's seat, Kenji in the passenger seat.

Everyone else gets in, and I drive off.

 Roxie's voice crackles over the radio.

"Kids? Hello?" Her voice speaks.

"Camps destroyed, we're coming to you." Darius says.

"What? Are you okay?" She asks.

"Long story: Dino ate camp. Short story: epic leader Kenji saves the day, somehow getting everyone to safety." Kenji says.

"That's longer, dumbass." I tell him. 

"We should be there soon." Darius tells Dave and Roxie. The call ends, everyone cheering. I go over a bump as we cheer. 

"My phone..." I hear Brooklynn say, I look back, seeing Brooklynn staring at the broken phone that fell out of Sammy's pocket, a look of hurt on Yasmina's face. 

Just when I thought everyone was going to be okay. 

"I knew it!" Brooklynn yells. 

"Sammy...?" Yasmina says.

I forget to look at the "road" as I'm driving, and I crash into another...fucking...tree. This is the third damn time in the span of two days! What the hell?!


I wake up, realizing I hit my head on the steering wheel. My head is pounding. I see everyone rushing out of the van, I open my door, tumbling out as if it was my first day walking. I stumble over to the others, 

"Are you okay?" Kenji asks me when I almost stumble into him.

"Can I lean on you?" I ask him, " I feel like I'm gonna pass out." 

He looks at me mildly concerned, "yeah, sure." I put my arm on his shoulder, leaning into him as I listen to the others arguing.

"Thank you." I mumble.

"—I'm here to spy!" I hear Sammy yell. What the actual fuck? "For a company called Mantah Corp. Our ranch was in trouble, we borrowed some money from some shady people. Said our ranch was doomed if I didn't spy for them. This isn't what I wanted to happen."

"To be stranded next to a broken-down van on a killer dinosaur island? Hey, me too." Yasmina replies. "Was it all a lie? Wanting to be friends? Pretending you—" she cuts herself off.

"I know this situation is suboptimal—" Ben starts.

"It's trash, Ben. Just say trash." Brooklynn tells him. Honestly what does suboptimal even mean?

The indominus runs right past us, shortly followed by a helicopter.

"That's Masrani's calls sign!" Kenji yells, "we're saved!" 

Unfortunately, when he says that, the helicopter crashes into a Pteranodon pen, causing them to fly out at us. 

"Shit, shit, shit! Run!" I yell at them, leaning off Kenji and starting to run, everyone else following.

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