Taking It Easier

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Elvira POV

Ben had dragged me along with him to check in Darius, he said it was because he knew I was worried, but I know it's because he wants to talk to me about our conversation from a few days ago. Right now, Kash is talking to Darius, asking if the BRAD-X gave him a hard time cleaning up the jungle biome.

"Nah, we understood eachother." Darius replies.

"Good," Kash smiles, "Because you are going to put a control chip into a Dino, to see if it works."

"What?" Darius mumbles, quickly rephrasing himself, "I mean, why not just have one of the BRADS do it? To, uh, test their strength?"

"Because I'm still not sure your worth keeping around, so, you can either impress me," Kash levers, "or things are gonna go very bad for you. Very, very bad."

"Okay," Darius drags the word on, "Which dinosaur do I have to chip?"

"Well," Kash hits a golf ball, yes, he's playing golf right now, "it's like I always say, go big or go home, so I'm thinking. The Spinosaurus. If you're lucky. You'll catch him when he's asleep. That thing does not like people." Kash turns to the BRAD-X, "He chips the Dino, or he does not come back, got it?"

"Oh, when I get my hands on him." I sinisterly whisper to Ben.

"Affirmative." The BRAD-X robotically speaks. 

Darius and the BRAD-X leave, and me and Ben move a bit away from Kash.

"Hey, how are you feeling today?" Ben whispers to me.

"Uh, I'm okay." I push my lips into a small smile.

He narrows his eyes, "No, you're not." 

"Wha-what makes you say that?" I ask.

"You look half dead and like your about to pass out, you're sweating and burning up but say you're freezing, your skin is still slightly yellow, and-" he lists, I interrupt him, "I'm fine, Ben. I've dealt with worse."

He sighs, running his hands though his hair in frustration, "You are obviously not fine, Elvira. You need rest or you might not recover from this."

"I can't just rest, we have things to do and we don't have time to worry about me." I try to reason.

He pauses for a moment, "What if you just take it slower? You don't have to stop helping, just...take it slower, okay? And if you feel like you need to rest, rest."

"Fine," I huff, "I can take it easier, but by no means am I going to slack on my "jobs"."

He smiles, "Okay, easy. Now that that's over, let's go tell the others what we've found."

"Wait. Maybe I should follow Darius? To make sure he's okay?" I suggest.

"What did we just talk about? The desert biom drains you like crazy. And it's to dangerous, what if the BRAD-X sees you?" He asks.

"I'll be fine, and it won't, I'll stay hidden...unless Darius needs help." I tell him.

He rolls his eyes, "Fine, but be safe, Kenji's going to kill me when he finds out I let you go alone."

"Eh, you'll be fine. Oh, before you leave, remember not to pressure Brooklynn with the hacking thing." I say.

"Pressure her?" He questions.

I nod, "She doesn't need the pressure of this. It's obviously stressing her out."

"Uh, okay. I won't." He says, walking off. 

"Okay, you can do this. It'll be fine." I mumble to myself, making my way into the desert biome, immediately feeling more of a need to pass out. Maybe Ben's right. I shouldn't be doing this.

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