You Don't Like Uno?!

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Elvira POV

After we explained everything about Manticore to Mae, she left again, this time to go feed the dinosaurs. Darius and Sammy followed her. Brooklynn, Yaz, and Kenji have been acting really weird today, and right now, they were off doing something in the kitchen, leaving me and Ben to sit in silence. 

"You really don't like card games?" I refer to when Yaz asked to play a game with him. 

"No." He replies.

I mock gasp, "Not even Uno?"

He squints, "No."

"You don't like Uno?!" 

"I don't like card games." He says.

"I mean, I get that, Uno always started fights when I played with my family." I reminisce, "It also causes arguments with Peter, May, and I. Also, I'm definitely getting you to play Uno with me and the others some day."

"Fights?" He queries, ignoring my insistence on getting him to play Uno.

"Mmhm, more like arguing over the rules, and people being sore losers. Mainly my younger brothers, they were horrible at losing. And with Peter and May, it was just playful arguing." I tell him.

"Oh. How old are they?" He asks me.

I pause, trying to remember, "My parents,  William and Emma, were in their mid thirties. The older of my two younger brothers, Alex, was eleven, and the youngest, Oliver, was three. Peter is seventeen, and May is also in her thirties." 

"Tell me more about your family, basically all I know is that your birth family is dead and sucked."

"If I tell you a part, I have to tell you everything." I remind.

"We have time. And you listen to us talk all the time." He says, making me smile.

TW: MENTIONS OF GUN VIOLENCE, ALCOHOLISM, DRUGS, AND NEGLECT (kinda), ALLUSION OF TORTURE AND R*PE. Well, the R*pe part isn't actually mentioned, but it did happen, and she's referring to it.

"Okay, well, first of all, my parents and brothers were assholes, my family was kinda fucked up, now that I think about it, they gave me a lot of issues I'm still working on, but I loved them to death—" I laugh when I say death, don't judge, okay? It was kinda funny, "Uh, where were we?  Anyway, when I was twelve, me and my family were eating in a restaurant, the place got shot up, apparently it had something to do with someone there not paying for drugs they had. Anyways, they ended up killing my parents and brothers because, and I quote, "Why not?", they took me, gave me some scars and trauma, which was fun. I went to live with my aunt, but she became an alcoholic bitch, and she didn't really take care of me, and then kicked me out two days before I was supposed to come here. So, when we get back home, I'll be rooming with Peter and his aunt May."


Her parents gave her issues she's still working on. They were eating in a restaurant when the place got shot up because of something to do with not being paid, the people that did it gave her some ✨scars and trauma✨. She went to live with her aunt, who neglected and hurt her, then kicked her out, and when she goes back, she will be living with Peter and May.

"Any questions?" I ask when I finish talking.

His eyes widen after hearing what I had just said, "J-just a few. They don't have anything to do with what you just said, though."

"Ask away." I smile.

"Do you go to school?" He asks me.

"Nah, Lauren, that's my aunt, let me drop out when I turned sixteen." I say.

"How did you meet Peter?"

"I met Peter in third grade elementary, I needed his help on the homework. Peter's basically a genius, even that young, and he helped me study and get an A+. We've been inseparable ever since." 

"Uhh," He thinks for a moment, being interrupted by the door to the cave opening, a robotic dog from before walks in. Yaz, Kenji, and Brooklynn run in,

"Hide!" Kenji pulls me behind a desk while the bot scans the room.

"It's going to kill them!" I whisper shout, looking at the bot dog, that had just spotted Ben and Yaz.

"I have an idea." He quietly goes to the kitchen, grabbing a frying pan and whacking the bots head, successfully killing it.

"Okay, Rapunzel." I laugh, making him glare at me, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair." I sing, "You should see your face right now!" 

"Okay, we have more important matters to attend to." Ben says, "Can you give me and Yaz a second?"

"Uh, sure." Me and Kenji walk away.

"Wait! Let's spy on them." Kenji pulls be behind a corner to peek at them.

"Why? Let them have their pri-" he puts his hand to my mouth, "Sh!"

I lick his hand, making him pull away, "Gross! Why would you do that? Do you have any idea how many germs are on my hands?" 

"You washed your hands five minutes ago." I deadpan.

"W-well...yes. But, still-" Mae, Sammy, and Darius walk back in.

"What happened here?" Mae demands.

"It came in a few minutes after you left, it was scanning all over the place." Kenji tells her.

"There goes the one place we were supposed to be safe." Sammy purses her lips.

Mae sighs, "Apologies, Sammy, it seems you were right to be suspicious of manticore." She walks over to her desk, setting a white cube down, "Time to find out what they're doing to my dinosaurs."

Oo, Mama's mad.

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