Being More Social

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Elvira POV

"What are you doing, Sammy?" I ask her, walking over to where she was standing next to a bucket of water.

"I don't think she likes me very much, Elvira." She tells me, furrowing her brows and pouting, "My animals at home love me."

"Who?" I ask.

"Bumpy." She tells me.

"I'm sure she does, she just, maybe doesn't show it like your animals at home do." I give her a reassuring smile.

"Maybe." She sighs.

"Hey, you know what, why don't we do something? Just the two of us. To take your mind off bumpy." I tell her. I don't particularly like being social, but it'll help Sammy take her mind of things.

"That's a great idea!" She hugs me.

"Still don't really like being touched." I smile at her.

"Sorry." She smiles at me.

"So, what are we going to do?" She asks me.

"I honestly have no idea. Whatever you want." I shrug.

"Oo! Let's get to know each other more! You don't talk about yourself much." She smiles at me.

Yeah, there's a reason for that.

"Um, okay. What do you want to know?" I ask, pulling her over to an area on the dock where no one was.

"What's your favorite color?" She asks me.

"Blue and Black." I tell her, "What's yours?"

"Yellow...wait, no, green, no, pink, no—wait. Uh... I don't know, I like all of them." She shrugs her shoulders, "What do you miss most about home?" She asks me.

"Oh, um, my best friend and his aunt." I tell her, smiling sadly at the thought of them.

"What about your parents?" She asks me.

"They died." I tell her.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I completly forgot!" I shrug in return, "What about your other family?" She asks me.

"I, Uh, don't really have other family. I have an aunt, but she's a bitch. She kicked me out a few days before I came here. I was staying with my best friend, Peter, and his aunt, May." I tell her. 

Honestly, I'm kinda numb to the whole family thing.

"Oh..." she looks down.

"Let's not worry about that," I tell her, "What else did you want to ask?"

"Uh," She thinks for a moment, "Do you have any pets?"

"Not anymore. When I was growing up, me and my family had a dog and a cat, but they both died. I would ask about you, but I know you have a lot of pets." I smile at her.

"Yeah. Don't tell my other pets, but Bessie's my favorite." She whispers in my ear, smiling.

"Hey, were—" Sammy starts to say, getting cut off by Kenji blaring music, "Come join the yacht party!" He yells.

"This was fun, we should do this again, maybe with the others!" Sammy smiles at me, joining everyone else while I slowly trail behind.

"What are you two up to?" I ask, Darius and Brooklynn, seeing them search through boxes. The "party" has been going on for a while, so I was just walking around the boat when I saw them.

"Oh! Uh, nothing." Brooklynn hides something behind her back.

"We're uh, just...hangin...out." Darius says.

"Right. Uh-huh. What're you actually—" I start to say, getting cut off by Kenji. He really likes interrupting people, it seems.

"Eyes up, yo. Captain on deck." He says, putting his arm over my shoulders.

"Oh hey cap. I mean, Kenji" Darius says.

"Just...checking in on my crew. What're you three up to?" Kenji asks.

"Oh, uh, we were just saying it's getting dark. We should probably wrap up the party." Brooklynn says.

"Yeah. So, we can be supplies in the morning." Darius speaks awkwardly.

"Just to be clear, I said none of that." I tell Kenji.

"You expect me to believe that?" Kenji pauses, looking at Brooklynn and Darius, "When we've got these babies?" Kenji laughs, pulling a pre-lighted candle from behind his back, "already put 'em out on deck. Yacht party saved!" Kenji says. Just as he says that the boat tips, causing us to fall.

"Wha—what was that?" Darius asks.

"Are you okay?" Kenji asks me.

"Yeah, you?" I ask him.

"All good." He smiles.

"Are you two okay?" I ask Brooklynn and Darius.

"Yep, you?" Brooklynn says as Darius says, "yeah, are you?"

"I'm okay." I tell them.

We start looking for the reason the boat tilted, only to find—

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