Less Cliche But Still Cliche Campfires

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Elvira POV

We all went back to Mae's cave, and Darius came up with a plan.

"When Mr. Kon and Mr. Jones come back, he's gonna want the rest of the control chips." Darius takes a bite out of his muffin; we had each grabbed a snack.

"We gotta destroy them." Brooklynn adds.

"Yeah, and delete all of his blueprints and files so he can't create more." Yaz speaks, mouth full of her snack.

"But where can we find them?" Sammy asks.

"My best guess is Kash's computer. Brooklynn, Elvira, and I will go to his office and destroy those files, Sammy, Yaz, and Ben, go to the workshop and destroy the chips." Darius says.

"Actually," Ben diverts all eyes to him, taking a bite out of his snack, "I think I've moved beyond pure destruction, I wanna be on team delete the blueprints."

"Really?" Darius raises a brow.

"What happened to "Explosions are my thing."?" Brooklynn asks.

"Hey, don't put me in a box. A man can evolve." Ben twirls his hand in the air.

"So am I going with Yaz and Sammy now?" I ask, looking at the two girls, "Because I'm down to destroy some shit."

"Guess you are, Fighter." Yaz says, standing up, "So, is anyone up for a little friendly competition?"

"Like a race?" Darius also stands, everyone else following, "I say your on."

"Ooo, I love the sound of that! I can't wait to blow the chips in the workshop to smithereans." Sammy rubs her hands together.

"Or smash them in lots of various different ways! But blowing stuff up sounds fun." My eyes light up as I think of the ways I can destroy stuff.

Yaz puts a hand on her shoulder, "Or, maybe we don't start a massive chemicals fire...inside the biom." 

"Good call. I don't know what I'd do without you." Sammy laughs, nudging Yaz.

I'm gonna be a third wheel this whole time, aren't I?

"Campfire on the cliffs outside?" Sammy asks the other team.

"We'll meet you. Or, should I say beat you there." Brooklynn puts her hands on her hips.

"Losers roast the marshmallows." Ben slams the package down in the table.

"Right. Are we ready?" Darius asks as we all look at eachother. 

"Have fun losing!" I call as Yaz, Sammy, and I run to the compound, sneaking into it.

"Hey, Yaz, Elvira? Nobody's on the island but us, right?" Sammy whispers from our hiding spit behind some crates.

"Right." Yaz whispers back, staring at the BRADS walking around.

"Uh-huh." I hum.

"And we said these repair BRADS aren't lethal, right?" Sammy continues.

"Mm-hm." I confirm.

"Right." Yaz drags on.

"So why are we hidin'? Sammy walks out from our hiding spot as me and Yaz look at eachother surprised.

"You make a good point." Yaz steps out from the hiding spot, walking over to the control chips.

"Eugh, Kash's. This is definitely going in the bonfire." Sammy picks up one of Kash's earbuds.

"I wish he could've gone in the bonfire." I sigh, gaining odd looks from the both of them.

"O-okay. This goes against everyone Mae believes in. I can't believe Kon and Jones—no offense Elvira—made her work on these control chips." Yaz stares at the chips with disgust written on her face.

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