Barbie And Ken

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Elvira POV

"Guys?" Sammy pants, "I know we're in a desert, but it feels way hotter all of the sudden."

We had been walking in the desert for who knows how long, and Lord, was it hot, and I doubt the poison was helping me. Oh, and also, I beat Kenji. 

"Out of all the things I brought I wish I had brought a portable fan." I mumble, walking incredibly slowly.

"Hey are you okay?" Kenji whispers to me, concern written on his face.

I furrow my brows, "Yeah, why?" 

"You're walking really slowly, which you never do, and I know the poison is screwing with you, so that can't help. Also, you're really pale and you look as if you're going to pass out." He speaks, looking at me with an odd look in his eyes. 

I pause, gathering my words, "The poison is definitely not helping,  but I'll be fine. And I do kinda feel like I'm going to pass out, so don't be surprised if I do."

"Oh, because that's oh so reassuring." He deadpans.

I put a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure I'll be fine. I always am."

He sighs, "Just...don't jinx it, Ella."

I smile at the new nickname, "Ella? That's a new one."

He hums, "Mm-Hm, I figured because you said only Peter calls you El, Ella could be my nickname for you, like Elv. U-unless you don't like It, I'm sure I could find another nickname for you. Uhm, I could call you truth? That's what your name means. I think? Maybe I'm wrong. I think I heard that somewhere. Or maybe I could call you a pet name? Do you like those, or do they annoy you? What about—"

I cut him off, smiling widely, "I love it, Kenj. You could call me literally anything and I'd love it. But now I have to find a nickname for you. Wait! I think your name means intelligent and strong. Or, and hear me out here, I could call you Ken."

"I think intelligent and strong are good nicknames," Kenji nods, "But Ken makes me sound like a doll. If you call me that I'm calling you Barbie."

I gasp, "You wouldn't dare!"

He smiles evily, "Oh but I would, Barbie."

"Okay, Ken," I put extra emphasis on the name, raising a brow, "You wanna play? Let's play."

"It's on." He sticks his hand out, prompting me to shake it, as if we made a deal.

"Okay, how do we get onto the saber tooth feeding platform without being desert?" Yaz interrupts our handshake.

"As gross as we smell and probably taste right now, I'd say it might leave us alone." I but in.

"Doubt it." Ben replies.

"We have to time it just right, we'll hide nearbye, and after the tiger eats and leaves, we'll head down the feeding platform." Brooklynn states.

"Genius child." I praise her.

"Great plan, chief." Kenji mockingly salutes, making me laugh, "What're you laughing at, Barbie?"

I narrow my eyes, "Kenji, so help me God-"

"What is that?" Brooklynn mumbles, squinting into the distance.

"What is what? My eyesight is horrid." I follow her intent gaze, a giant dinosaur stopping infront of us.

"Is that a spinosaurus?" I mumble, shock evident in my voice. 

"Well...that's new." Brooklynn quietly says.

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