Momma Jones

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Elvira POV

When I wake up, I see everyone scattered around the forest floor, slowly waking up.

"Is everyone alive?" I joke, touching my back to check if my backpack was still there. Thankfully, it was.

"Doesn't feel like it." Kenji groans, climbing from a tree.

"Elvira, oh my gosh, are you okay?" Sammy asks me, face full of concern.

"Yeah, why?" I ask her, confused on why she was so worried about me. Now everyone was looking at me.

"Your stomach is bleeding. Not super bad, but it has to hurt." Brooklynn tells me. 

"Hm?" I hum, looking down at my stomach and see the cuts from the cattle drive have reopened and worsened.

"Oh, those are from the cattle drive, it's all good, I've had worse. I tell them, shrugging.

"Clumsy?" Ben asks.

"Something like that." I tell him, humming. It was actually nothing like that, like, at all.

We hear a rustling in the trees,

"It's coming..." Ben says, rocking back and forth.

"Shh. It could be anywhere." Yasmina looks around.

"The observation tower was that way?" Brooklynn points to the left, "or that way?" She points to her right. We all hear a load roar and start to run.

After running for a while, we finally get back to the camp. The broke, ripped up, camp.

"Dave, Roxie, the others—they—they must've gotten away." Sammy says.

"Not all of them." Ben backs away from some rubble he was near.

"We're on our own." Yasmina says.

"Where's my phone!" Brooklynn suddenly yells. Oh, so we're back on this now? Okay.

"What?" Sammy avoided Brooklynn's eyes.

"I don't care about Dr. Wu's lab, or the skin samples—" Everyone looked at Sammy at that.

"What skin samples?" 

"Why were you in Dr. Wu's lab?"

Were the questions asked.

"All I want is to call for help!"  Brooklynn continues.

"Uh, I don't know what you're talkin bout, skin samples? Sneakin into labs? That's crazy talk. You made something up in your own dang head!" Sammy replies. Everyone started to argue. 

"Listen, there's a big—" Ben starts.

"A big, scary dinosaur. We know!" Kenji yells.

"At least I'm not a big mouthed jerk!" Ben yells back. Huh, didn't know it did that. Everyone starts arguing again.

"Hey!" I yell, "Shut the hell up!" Everyone looks at me like kicked puppies. "I understand you're scared, but you all are arguing over nothing! You all are acting like toddlers!"

"We aren't getting out of here. Elvira just turned into our parents, we're alone, defenseless, we're dead." Ben whines, rocking back and forth.

"We aren't giving up, I know it's scary, and this isn't how it was supposed to turn out, but that's okay. Life is messy and things fall apart. What matters is we never give up; we pick up the pieces and we keep going." Darius steps up.

 How is the youngest of us so wise? I know that happens when you grow up to fast, but geez. 

"What about your necklace?" Brooklynn asks.

"I have the memories," he touches his chest, "here." 

After all of that, Darius devises a plan, go south to the park. We walked, ran, walked, and then ran some more.

More drama coming up soon. Also, should I add a love interest? If I do, who should it be? Also, how do we feel about this book so far? Title credit goes to CottoncandyWP. 

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