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Elvira POV

We were all together in a hiding space, sitting in silence, the tension so thick it was basically jello. Watching as Brooklynn tends to Mae's wounds, the sight oddly reminded me of when, if I couldn't for some reason, Aunt May would fix up my wounds after an argument with Lauren.

"I'm sorry." Sammy says out of nowhere, causing us to turn and look at her, "If you all hadn't of stopped me, I'd probably be dead right now, heck, you might be too. I-I'm sorry.."

We all just stare at her, Brooklynn comes over and joins the conversation.

"Facing Kash wasn't about whether it was the brave thing to do, it was about whether it was the smart thing to do." She sits down. 

"Easy, B, if Sammy didn't do what she did, we wouldn't of been there to save Mae." Yaz puts her arm over the ranch girl.

"It's okay, Yaz, She's right. The only way for us all to get the answers we want, is to play the long game." Sammy says.

Hey, does anyone remember that scene with Maya in Girl Meets World?

"Then that's what we'll do." Darius speaks

"Uhm, Elvira, I-I'm really sorry...for what I said...an'-an' how I treated you, it just what'nt right, I wasn't thinkin, and I didn't mean anything I said. I'm mighty sorry." Sammy turns to me, causing my eyes to widen.

"Listen, Sammy...I'm not going to pretend what you said didn't piss me off, because tt did, very much so, actually. But...I will say... I forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone has bad days. I understand you were upset, and you were talking in a blind rage, which I'm sure I've done at some point. It's okay." I soften my tense position and hard face.

Sammy releases a breath, "Thank you, Vir. I thought you'd be mad at me forever."

"Of course, Sammy. But, I was never really mad at you, per say. I was more angry at what you had said." I pat her shoulder. 

"Oh..." she laughs, the atmosphere lighting slightly.

The Next Morning

"She's asleep, the leaves we put over her wounds stopped the bleeding, but," Sammy inhales, "I don't know how long that's gonna last. We gotta do somethin." 

"Ben says Kash has a phone. Let's get it, call for help, and get out of here." Yaz suggests.

"But..what about the dinosaurs? Now that Mae's injured, if we all leave, who's gonna protect them?" Darius runs hit arms.

"Darius...look at her," Yaz turns to Mae, who was whimpering in her sleep, "she needs help, and let's not forget about the fact that Elvira still hasn't taken an antidote, and she's clearly being affected. Our only choice is that phone."

"I'm not-" I turn to Yaz, an odd look etched onto my face.

"Elvira, you're paler than ever, you're always freezing but sweating, you don't get hungry anymore, and you shake, like, a lot." Yaz replies, sternly.

"But—I'm fine..." I whisper.

"Okay, enough of that, Elvira, you need an antidote, and fast. We need to get Mae off the island, these leaves aren't exactly sterol, let's split up and try and find Kash." Ben whispers.

"Small problem, we don't know where he went." Kenji folds his arms.

"Well-" Darius starts, cutting himself off when he sees a green light flashing towards us, the same one that the BRADS project.

"Hide." Yaz whisper shouts. Yaz, Kenji, Brooklynn, and I hide behind a big rock, leaving Sammy and Ben with an unconscious and wounded Mae.

"New orders received." One of the BRADS speak, running off.

"One of them could be heading to Kash." Yaz whispers.

"You guys go. Elvira, don't you have a first aid kit?" Ben asks.

"Yes, but we'll need more to help Mae." 

"Okay," Ben sighs, "I think there's a first aid kit in the snow gliders, and I'll need whatever you have, Elvira. I'll get Mae patched up."

"Got it." I shrug my backpack off, taking the med kit out of it and handing it to him.

"Thanks." He mumbles. 

I put my backpack back on, following Sammy, Kenji, and Darius to the jungle biom.

"Health readings suboptimal, unsuitable for test." A BRAD scans Little Eatie, who still couldn't get up, it then scans Bug Eatie, who was hovering over her daughter, "Subject suitable for test." 

"What test?..." Darius asks aloud.

"I don't know..." Kenji replies, looking up when drones hover over us, making their way to and surrounding Big Eatie. 

"What's happening? I can't watch." Sammy covers her eyes, not watching as the drones force Big Eatie to leave Little Eatie, zapping her when she moved.

"Subject suitable for test. Subject suitable for test. Subject suitable for t—" Big Eatie breaks free of the drone, cutting the BRAD off and taking it into her mouth and tossing it just above our head.

Sammy breathily laughs, pumping her fist into the air, "Yeah!" 

Unfortunately, the cheering seizes because the drones take hold of the dinosaur again, dragging her off to who knows where. 

"Oh. Oh..." I groan, "This is gonna suck, isn't it?"

"Definitely." Kenji groans, tilting his head back. 

Can I be the first to say, that was hot af. 

Wait, what?

"Where are they takin her?" Sammy asks.

"We gotta find out." Darius replies, moving to follow the drones and the dinosaur. 

"Kash and his phone aren't here. Maybe Brooklynn and Yaz had more luck." Sammy stands from our position behind a tree.

Probably not.

So sorry for the short chapter. Also, I'm not sure when it'll be done, but I have a few ideas I think will be great for this book, so be ready for that. 

Love you guys, and thank you for all the support so far, hope you have/had an amazing day <3! 

Also, just incase you need it, remember to drink water and eat some food if you're hungry, and if it's late for you right now, regardless of if you have something or nothing to do tomorrow, if you're tired, go to bed and get some rest, you need it, darling.

Into The Jungle (Camp Cretaceous x Fem!OcWhere stories live. Discover now