Not Protected

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Elvira POV

Me and Kenji were checking the t-Rex food for any "poison". Brooklynn was going to do it, but she decided I would be a better fit for the job. So much for a nap. One of the BRADS come by and drops the white cubes into the food.

I groan quietly, "This is gonna suck. Do these things ever take a break?" 

Kenji chuckles under his breath, "Given our luck? No."

I roll my eyes and laugh lightly, "I hate when your right."

The BRAD gallops away, giving us our chance to search the meat.

Kenji grimaces, "This is so gross..."

My brow shoots up, "We have done so much worse. I mean, yeah, this is gross, but we've done so much worse."

"Yeah, but-" the loud stomps of the hungry t-Rex cuts off Kenji, "Cmon!" He pulls me behind a tree, pinning my back against it with his hand over my mouth, "This...could take awhile."

Jesus Christ.

The T-Rex walks past us with meat in her mouth, "...or not. Let's go back."

"Wait." I grab his arm, "Where is she going? And why didn't she eat..."

 Kenji groans, "Why are we following her? I thought you were done with the dinosaurs!"

"I am. Trust me, I so am. But, this might be something that'll make things worse for us in the long run." I start walking In the direction of the T-Rex.

Kenji huffs, "You are so lucky I tolerate you."

I smile, "Please, you love me."

He playfully rolls his eyes, "Not even a little." His voice cracks.

I pout, "Ouch, Kenji."

He lightly shoves me, "You know I didn't mean it like that."

"I know. I just like messing with you." I smile, stopping to peek behind a tree, "Look."

"Little Eatie's still hurt...I thought Mae sent the BRADS to help her?" Kenji grabs my hand.

"I'm guessing this isn't a simple miscommunication, is it?" I roll my eyes sarcastically.

"I'm guessing not. Look at her...trying to help her baby. How could anyone hurt her?" Kenji's voice softens. 

"I don't know, Kenj. I don't know. Cmon, let's go tell the others what we found."  I grab his hand, tugging him in the right direction.

We change bioms, going into the desert one, that's where Ben, Darius, Mae, Pierce, and Brooklynn are.

"Guys, guys!" Kenji pants, running up to them.

Ben turns around and puts his hand out, making Kenji dodge and fall to avoid it.

"Little Eatie's still hurt! Kenji, you okay?" I lift him back up.

"The med BRADS you called never helped her, she can't even move, and Big Eatie has to bring her food." Kenji continues.

"How could your orders be overriden? I thought there was no communication on or off the island?" Darius asks Mae. 

"There isn't, someone must be here giving counter orders," Mae speaks, "Kash."

"Who's Kash?" Kenji asks.

"My boss." Mae seethes, "Right then, you get Pierce his food, Kash'll be in the jungle biom. I'll get cleaned up, then get some answers."

"You sure that's safe?" Ben worries.

"Kash is a harmless blowhard with a pencant for bad music and even worse tattoos, plus, until I know what he's up to, it's best he doesn't know your here." Mae replies. 

"Are you sure? You can have one of my knives if you want it?" I ask.

"I'm sure, he's harmless, really." She assures.

"Cmon Pierce! Let's get some chow, here we go, Cmon old boy. Dinner time." Darius waves.

Mae laughs and puts her tablet in his arms, "he might not listen to you, but you can try. I'll be back soon." 

Mae leaves, and shortly after we someone shouting.

"Mae! Mae!" The voice yells, the sounds like-

"Sammy!" Another voice calls, this one sounds like-

"Yaz!" Brooklynn says.

I hate when people interrupt me...

"Darius, where's Mae?" Sammy walks up to us.

"Oh, she went to see her boss in the jungle biom, some guys names, uh-" 

"Kash." Sammy seethes.

Man, people really like seething this guys name.

"How'd you know?" Brooklynn asks, watching sammy push past us.

"I'm gonna go confront him and get some answers." Sammy says.

"What?..." Kenji questions, voice laced with confusion.

"Sammy, I know how mad you must be, but, maybe we should wait." Yaz races after the girl.

"All we do is wait! I'm tired of waitin." Sammy replies.

"Well, Mae said we should-" Darius gets cut off.

"No! You don't get it! Kash...Kash is the one who blackmailed by family." Sammy's voice gets quieter.

Well...that's not good. This shit is getting personal.

"I...can't even imagine how you feel right now." Brooklynn sympathizes.

"But we won't get the truth by confronting a guy like that." Darius reasons.

"How do you all not get this? I thought you were my friends..." Sammy walks off.

"Wait, Sammy, no!" Darius stops her.

"Sammy, of course we're your friends. We're trying to protect you." I try to comfort her, lightly touching her shoulder.

"Well, I don't feel protected!" She throws my arm off, "You're not protecting me, or us, for that matter! You can't protect anyone, that's why your family died! Because you couldn't protect them!"


My face falls, "...Sammy..."

"Sammy, you shouldn't-" Darius starts.

"You don't get to make decisions about what I do!" Sammy yells.

Pierce starts growling, causing Darius to try and stop him, aswell as the others, so I turn to Sammy.

"I understand your upset, so I'm going to leave you alone, I'm here if you need me, okay?" I give the girl a sad smile.

She scoffs, "I won't."


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