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Elvira POV

Kenji and I had fallen down a crevice in the rocks. We had already called for help, but no one was answering, so now we were just looking for a way out.

"Ow!" Kenji whimpers.

I rush over to him, "Are you okay?" 

"I got something in my eye." He groans.

I grab his face, "Hm, I don't see anything, probably just some dirt. I have a bit of water in my backpack, if you need it."

He pushes me away, lightly, "Uh, no, no I'm fine. Thanks."

I squint, mumbling to myself, "Ookayy, whatever you say."

"Hey, did you notice you're missing something?" Kenji asks me.

"No, what is it?" I ask.

"That long sleeve plaid over shirt you always have on. It's gone." He points to my arms, which were bare. How had I not noticed?

"Huh. I didn't notice." I had taken It off earlier because it was so hot, I had it tied around my waist, but I guess I lost it earlier.

"I didn't know you had tattoos." He looks at them, completely ignoring my scars, which I was thankful for.

"My aunt didn't give a shit about what I did, as long as I made her money. So she met me get these." I tell him.

"How many do you have?" He questions.

"Three. I actually plan on getting more when I go home." I say.

"The raptor, the cross, and what else?" He asks.

"I got a half-moon here," I lift up my T-shirt just enough for him to see it, "Peter has a sun on his wrist so we match." 

"Oh cool." He says, changing the subject when it gets quiet, "What is this place?" 

"No idea, but—wait, do you hear that?" I pause, listening to the noise.

"Is that...water pipes? That doesn't make any sense, how could there be water pipes in here?" Kenji looks around, "where's the water going?"

I gasp, "Maybe it leads to a way out? Something man made? Stay behind me in case I need to fight something...or someone."

"Sure, why not. You are the more...fighty." Kenji says, prompting me to look at him oddly.

"I...am the more "fighty"?" I look at him.

"You're the more fighty one of the group. You're the fighter, skilled in basically every weapon, and even regular fighting." He explains.

I smile in gratitude, "I wish I got that on video. Can you say that again when I find a camera?" 

He pulls a blank face, "I take it back. I regret saying it now."

"Nope, Nuh-uh, to late. It's been said, I've heard it, I'll never forget it." I joke.

He jokingly laughs (ya know that mocking laugh where it's not a actually laugh, it's more like a deadpanned, emotionless "ha ha"? That's what he did.), "Hilarious."

"Hey, do—" I  cut kenji off, running over to an opening in the rocks.

"Hey, look! I bet we can get out through here! Give me a boost." I jump, too short to reach the gap, "Kenji? Are you alright? I know this whole thing is shitty, but you're acting really weird."

"Hm? Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just...thinking." He stutters out.

I squint, "Uh-huh, okay, well, can you help a girl out and give me a boost?"

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