Well, This Is Shitty

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Elvira POV

Remember when I said this would suck? Yeah, I was right. They dropped me, Kenji, and Darius in front of a huge pile of dinosaur poop and are making us clean it up as our punishment.

"This bites! -" 

"It stinks, actually. It's shit, I really don't know what you were expecting. A cake?" I say, tilting my head at him.

Cake actually sounds really good right now. 

He just looks at me and sighs, continuing his sentence, "Thanks to you, I'm here shoveling poop instead of watching a live dinosaur birth, that's only been my dream since, uh, I don't know, forever!" Darius yells, shoving his shovel in the poop. 

Why would someone want to watch that?

"Dude, that's not a dream, a dream is like saving a bunch of mermaids from sharks" Kenji replies "You know, since you helped me out earlier, I might be willing to show you the good stuff around here." 

"No, no way, we are in too much trouble already." Darius answers.

"Hey, suit yourself, I thought you might like seeing one they stopped showing to the public, but, whatevs." Kenji shrugs, "Elv?" He motions his head the other way. 

"Yeah, beats cleaning this up." I start walking towards him and we start to walk away together.






"Guys, wait up!" Darius yells after us. 

"Just admit it, you're totally lost." Darius tells Kenji.

"No, no, the pin is...um...that way." He points to his right.


"Let's just go back, I don't want to cause trouble with your dad." Darius tells Kenji.

"What does he have to do with anything?" Kenji says, moving leaves out of his path. 

"What? Then what was the whole "My whole life I've only wanted to make my dad proud, junior"?" Darius asks, imitating Kenji's voice. 

"Oh, uh, I lied. That's on you for being so gullible." Kenji says.

"Hey, no, not fair, he's still a kid." I tell Kenji.

"There is no Carnotaurus, is there?" Darius asks, fed up.

"Hey, I keep it honest," He pauses, "Except this morning and, like, a bunch of other times today," Another pause, "But I'm telling the truth about this." He speaks.

I roll my eyes.

"Awesome! I'm out here for no reason, and I'll probably get sent home, all because of you." Darius shouts, annoyed. 

"Whatever, last time I try doing something nice for a dumb kid." Kenji mumbles.

We hear a banging noise, looking to the sound and seeing the fence. The problem? The fence is curved towards us.

"Kenji, you said you know this park like the back of your hand, right?" Darius asks. "So, you know which side the dinosaur is on, right?

Just as Darius stops talking, a huge, two horned dinosaur emerges from the trees and starts running towards us.

For fucks sake.

"Run, you idiots! Do you want to stop and ask if it wants lunch?!" I yell, already way ahead of them.

I want lunch.

Kenji trips, like the idiot he is, I mean, what kind of horror movie shit is this?

When we finally get to the gate, Kenji goes in first, then Darius, I go lastly, but I get stuck because the latch locked. 

"If I lose my legs, you all better just kill me." I tell them. 

"Hold on." Kenji grunts, trying to pry the latch open. When he finally does manage to get it open and pull me out, we both fall to the ground, on top of each other, as the Carnotaurus rams into the fence.

"Oh, sorry." Kenji says, rolling off of me, laughing, Darius and I joining in. You know that laugh after something crazy happens? Yeah, it was that laugh. 

"Diddums da big Dino hurt his wittle nosey?" Kenji says, standing up.

"You think you're slick, Toro? You got nothing," A pause, "Get it? Cause-cause the horns?" He says, pointing to his head. 

"I think we got it, Kenji." I say, starting to walk away.

"Yeah, Toro, your arms are pretty, uh, pretty much vestigial, at this point!" Darius attempts to insult. 

What does that even mean?

"Yeah, yeah boy, that's what's up!" Kenji says.

Just then the dinosaur rams its head into the fence, making the boys fall to the ground.

"Idiots." I whisper, the boys running to catch up with me.

"Wait, what time were they supposed to be back?" Darius asks us.

We all look at each other and start running in the direction of where we were supposed to be.


We finished cleaning the pile of poop the second they pulled up.

"Why are you boys so out of breath? And why does Elvira look so smug?" Roxie asks us.

"We had a race and I won." I tell her.

"How was the field trip?" Kenji asks. 

"Ben fell in love with a dinosaur," Yasmina says, nodding to Ben, "And superstar, here," She nods to Brooklynn, "Got us kicked out of the lab." She finishes.

"That is so not what--!" Brooklynn glances up from her phone.

"How was poop patrol?" Sammy buts in before Yasmina and Brooklynn start to argue.

"Amazing, you totally should have seen how I owned-" Kenji starts to say,

"This awesome experience!"  Darius interrupts.

"Right," Roxie drags out the word, "Well, better hit the showers, and maybe stay in there for a while."

Roxie gets back in the car, and they drive off.

"Two near death experiences in two days?" Darius says, "We can't tell anyone, or we might get kicked out."

"I can't believe no one will know I saved your life." Kenji tells me,

"Only because you led us into the danger!" I tell him.

"I still saved you..." He mumbles. 

I roll my eyes lightly, smiling and patting his back, beginning our trek back to the camp.

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