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Elvira POV

We had snuck into the compound, climbing a rope that was secured on BRAD-X to do so. It didn't exactly go as planned because as I'm climbing up, the raptors underneath me wake up, starting to growl.

"Uh, guys?" I call up to the others, taking one hand off the rope to grab one of my knives.

"Not good. So not good, man." I hear Kenji mumble from above me.

"Hold on!" I hear Darius whisper shout.

"I'm trying-" I cut myself off as the raptors run over to me, leaping into the air to try and get me off the rope.

"Stupid bastard. Why couldn't you be like Blue?" I grunt, taking my knife and when one of the raptors jump again, I graze its skull, drawing a good amount of blood. Not enough to seriously harm the thing, but enough to warn it that I'm not messing around. The raptor howls in pain, trying to snap at me, I dodge out of the way, accidentally sliding down the rope even more, now even closer to the angry raptors, "A little help, guys!" I start climbing back up the rope, which is incredibly hard to do while holding a knife and dodging raptors. Who woulda thought? Luckily for me, they start pulling me back up, and Kenji helps me get over the roof.

"Thanks." I pant, shoving my knife back into my calf holster.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He rushes, checking me over for injuries.

"No, I'm okay."


"BRAD, stop." Darius calls to the BRAD-X, that was still backing up. I'm assuming it helped pull me up. He turns to Brooklynn, "Good thing you were able to get me voice control for BRAD here."

"Yeah. Real good thing." She replies, looking lost in thought.

"Had to show off your skills again, huh, fighter?" Kenji puts his hand out infront of me, smiling.

"You know me so well." I smile back, reaching out for his hand when Darius, who was beside me, takes it instead, "Okay, cmon guys, who knows when Kash is gonna wake up." Darius walks off.

Kenji shakes his head lightly, sticking his hand out for me again, "Thank you." I smile, taking his hand.

"This'll take you down to the med bay, there's a nursery next to it, he's testing the new control chips on the baby Dino's first thing in the morning." Darius opens the elevator for us.

"What about cameras?" Brooklynn clutches the iPad to her chest.

"Mr. Genius has been to busy to get the islands camera system set up." Darius rolls his eyes, "Message me on the BRAD-X as soon as you get the baby's out."

The elevator door shuts, and we make our way down to the med bay, searching for the baby Dino's.

"Hey, guys? I think I found it. Looks like there's only four baby Dino's." Ben taps the screen he was looking at, walking over to one of the doors and reading that it was a baby Brachiosaurus, "won't take me long. Where we meeting after?"

"Med bay. We load 'em up on a platform and find out which biom they belong in." Brooklynn responds, running off with Sammy.

"Good luck, Ben!" I shout, following them.

"I don't need luck." I hear him mutter.

When I get there, I don't see Yaz or Brooklynn, but Sammy and Kenji are staring at a screen.

"Which one did you guys get?" I walk over to them, scaring Kenji.

"Elvira! Don't do that!" He scolds me.

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