Again, Really?

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Elvira POV

A loud snap is heard, everyone flinches and scream.

"Sorry, I stepped on a twig." Ben apologizes.


"Oh come on, man."

"I should step on you."

"You done gave me a heart attack!"

Came the various replies.

"It's fine, guys. Everyone's on edge." Darius speaks, diffusing the situation, again."

"You know, we'd know where we're going if I had my phone." Brooklynn says. Again, really?

"What did I say?" I ask her, t'sking. 

"Sammy didn't steal the phone!" Yasmina adds. If I hear about this phone one more damn time, I will kill someone.

"Guys, guys! Can we yell quieter, please?" Ben says.

"My fellow campers, chill!" Kenji says, "we need someone to make a hard call and lead us, and since I'm obviously leadership material, I'll do it." Everyone looks at him, bored. "My first decree as leader, is for everyone to be quiet, and listen to Darius."

"You're just covering up the fact that you're lost, too, Mr. VIP." Brooklynn says.

Darius looks around, "I know where we are! We're at the carnotaurus paddock." We run a bit, seeing the broken, ripped up fence. 

"Well, that's not good, is it?" I rhetorically ask.

"That means toro is here...with us..." Ben whimpered. Wait? How the hell did he know about toro? I bet it was Kenji.

"How do you know about toro?" Darius asks him.

"We all know, Kenji told us, like, the day after it happened." Yasmina, says, walking ahead. Yeah, I figured. Everyone keeps walking ahead.

"The indominus was here." Sammy spoke as we come across a broken gyro sphere.

Hearing a growl and rustling, everyone rushed to hide. Instead of the indominus coming out, a small, blue dinosaur does, and Ben rushes towards it? What the hell?

"How do you know it's the right dinosaur?" Kenji asks, baffled.

"Her head bump. Dr. Wu said she was asymmetrical, but I think she's perfect." Ben replies. "And so what if she's asymmetrical, or different or bumpy, or being tired after reading an overly thrilling book! Maybe if her parents had listened to her, she wouldn't have come here and got attacked!"

"I feel like we're not talking about the dinosaur." Yasmina whispers.

We continue walking, until Darius notices something.

"Hey, where's Ben?" He turns around, seeing Ben walking backwards through the bushes.

"Whatcha got there, Benny boy?" I ask him, seeing bumpy being drug out from the bushes.

"Oh, how's it hangin...dudes." He notices us looking at him.

" you have bumpy in that bush?" Darius asks as bumpy makes noise.

"No, nope, could be anything." He speaks. 

Bumpy runs out from the bushes.

"What? How did she get here...?" Ben acts as if he has no idea she was there.

"We don't have time for this! There are dinosaurs eating people out there, and Bumpy won't be able to keep up!" Yasmina exclaimed.

"She can move faster, though. Right, Darius?" Ben asks him.

"When they're fully grown, maybe, but she's just a baby." Darius tells him. Funnily enough, just as he says that, Bumpy falls over, snoring. 

"Total speed demon, say goodbye, Ben." Kenji tells Ben, turning around everyone sees shortly following.

"No!" Ben yells, "you say hello! Because she's coming with us! So... yeah." Ben tells them. 

"You're not thinking this through. She's too slow." Brooklynn tries persuading.

"Then—then we put her in the van!" He says, looking around. Is he delusional or something?

We all turn, looking in the direction he was looking, seeing a van. Holy shit he was right.

"ACU Transport!" Kenji says, "super-hardcore dudes." 

Everyone hops in the van, Ben trying to get bumpy in it.

"Something's coming." Ben says, pushing bumpy in the van.

"That's weird," Brooklynn looks at an iPad she found," the Dino near us isn't showing up on this GPS."

"Shut her up!" Yasmina yells when bumpy whines.

"Fine, I'll do it myself," I get out of the van when Bumpy doesn't get in, wrapping my arms around her, lifting. "Jesus you're heavy." I grunt, getting her into the van, shoving Ben in as I do so. 

"Does anyone know how to drive a van?" Darius asks when he realizes we aren't moving.

"No, but we drove gyrospheres, can't be that hard, right?" Sammy says. 

"I can drive a regular car, what's the difference?" I run up to the driver's seat, trying to sit, Kenji beating me to it.

"You only have a drivers permit, let me drive!" I tell him, annoyed.

"No." He tells me, lightly pushing me to the passenger side. Jerk.

"Hand at ten and two—" he starts.

"Drive!" Someone yells.

He takes off, pushing us backward, towards the indominus. Dumbass.

"Wrong gear! Wrong gear!" Yasmina yells at him.

Everyone starts to yell at him.

"Stop yelling at me when I save your lives!" He shouts. 

 I'm driving next time. 

I unbuckle, jumping up and siting in his lap, I take the steering wheel, moving it away from a tree and causing us to drive off a hill thing and crash right into a tree. 

How many damn trees am I going to be slammed into? 

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