The End

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Elvira POV

It had been a few years since we had all left the island, and we had all grown up, for the most part, anyway, and we each had jobs doing various things. Darius is now famous, doing seminars and such, Sammy still works at the ranch, but with Yaz, who is looking for colleges there. Ben works with Bumpy, Blue, and May on the island. Kenji had bought our secret island, Brooklynn works as a private investigator now, and me?

 I had been hired and do boxing professionally now, but I'm also in college, studying to be a profiler in the FBI. The tests were a lot of work, but with my knowledge on fighting and crime, even my ability to use weapons could help so, so much, and I'm excited I have this opportunity. (To be honest, I'm going to pretend that she would work like they do in Criminal Minds. Pretend that eventually, she works alongside them, and she would be the second youngest profiler, Reid being the youngest.) I still lived with May and Peter, she adopted me, and we changed my last name to Parker. 

My relationship with Kenji was still amazing, long distance sucked, but we fly out to see each other quite often, and we have phones and computers for a reason. Speaking of it was time for our weekly check in, so I log onto the computer, seeing Kenji and Darius, who were together, oh, I forgot to mention that Kenji had been adopted by the Bowman family. Then I see Yaz and Sammy, who were also still together and going strong. 

"Hey, guys. How is everyone?" I ask, smiling at them all.

"Texas is amazing, hanging out with Sammy and her family. Oh! And they have awesome colleges here." Yaz leans against her girlfriend. Most of us had changed a lot. Yaz now had her hair in her shoulders, wearing a tank top. Sammy was pretty much the same, but she no longer wore her headband, and she looked older. Kenji looked older, he had on a light pink button up, with some black jeans. His hair was no longer spiked up, and instead, fluffed around on the top of his head. He looked hot. Darius was now sporting a yellow sweater, his usual neckless, and he now looked much older. I was now wearing (or whatever you want her in)

I had a gun and some knives on me when I went out, but I kept my other stuff on my wall or in my closet, just incase I needed it

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I had a gun and some knives on me when I went out, but I kept my other stuff on my wall or in my closet, just incase I needed it. I had taken the spare room of the apartment, and it looked like 

 I had taken the spare room of the apartment, and it looked like 

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