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Elvira POV

"Hey, guys?" I ask them as we start sneaking into the compound. 

"Hm?" Brooklynn turns to me, followed by the others.

"Should I go to the presentation? My dad did say he wanted me there, and I could get info? Like a secret agent or something." I say.

"But what if you get hurt?" Sammy asks.

"I'm sure I'll be fine, my dad wouldn't physically hurt me. I don't think..." I purse my lips.

"Are you sure?" Darius puts a hand on my shoulder, "You'd have to be around Kenji."

I didn't think of that, but I'm not backing down.

I sigh, "He's had time to cool off."

But did he?

"Has he, though?" Yaz crosses her arms, raising a brow.

"I hope so. He can't stay mad at me forever, right?" I say.


Brooklynn presses her lips into a line, "I guess not. Be safe." 

"When am I not?" I start walking away.

"All the time." Ben scoffs behind me, making me smile.

I walk to my dads office, knocking on the door, which he opens.

"Elvira!" He smiles at me, "How was your date?"

"I wouldn't know. I was late, and he was gone." I lean against the doorframe.

His face falls, looked fake? As if he purposely made himself look sad. "Oh, dear. I'm sorry, truly."

Was he, though?

"It's whatever." I cross my arms, a frown on my face, "I, uh, I decided to go to the presentation tonight."

"Really?!" My dad exclaims, his face lighting right back up, "That's wonderful! I'll tell Daniel so he knows to keep a seat safe. Do you need anything to wear?"

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I look down at my outfit. I thought it looked good.

"Nothing, but it's not exactly what the company stands for." His lips thin.

I roll my eyes, already regretting my decision, "I have other...nicer...outfits to wear, if you don't like this one. But whether I wear them or not is undecided. If I'm coming to this thing, I wear what I want." 

My dad huffs, "Okay, but if you want people to respect you-"

"Whether people respect me or not isn't decided by my outfit choice, dad. It's decided by the other person, and I can't control that." 

"Fine, whatever. I'll have you a seat saved, see you later." My dad waves me off, not looking up from his work.

"Yeah, bye." I mumble. 

I can't believe he hasn't seen me in five years and he's still treating me like shit. Our relationship has always been hot and cold, good then bad, we both have short fuses and anger issues, but we always go back to normal not long after that. Well, he does, I just pretend we're back to normal, causes less arguments. I decide to head back to our level, so I could one, possible change, and two, tell the others what I found out. When I get there, I hear Kenji talking, and decide not to open the door just yet.

"My dads been nothing but cool to you, and despite how you've been acting, he's still gonna take you all home when this is over." Kenji's voice is met by silence, "What? You don't believe him? Do you need to sneak into his office again to get proof. Look, this presentations really important, maybe you don't know my dad like I do, do know me, so I'm asking you as my friends to trust me and stay out of it! And, where's Elvira? Still in her room?"

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