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Elvira POV

"Is this a dream? Or are we really off the island?" Sammy ponders.

"If it were a dream, we'd have a change of clothes." Yaz responds.

"I mean, I have clothes to change into, but if this was a dream, my hair would be re-highlighted.

"What do you mean? I've always wanted a signature look." Ben gestures to himself, promoting us to laugh.

I lean on Brooklynn, "Whatcha lookin at?" 

She looks at me, "Kenji. He's been off recently."

I raise a brow, "We just escaped a killer dinosaur island, and you were recently kidnapped, I'd say he has reason to be a bit off."

She sighs, "I know, I know, it's just...he's been...I don't know, weird."

I hum, thinking for a moment, "Why don't we got talk to him, yeah? Maybe ask him to eat with us?"

"You think he'll do it?" She questions me.

I smile, "If we ask nicely."

Kenji POV

I was steering the boat to Costa Rica, when someone pushes the door open, "Hey, captain, it's lunch time." Brooklynn says.

"Can't leave my post until we're docked in Costa Rica. I'm the only one of us who's sailed before." I speak.

"Eh, can't be that hard," Brooklynn nudges me out of the way, playing with the steering wheel, "Iceberg, iceberg!" 

"Hilarious. I'm not leaving." I deadpan. 

"C'mon, Kenji. Ten minutes won't kill you; it might be our last meal together." Brooklynn pleads with me.

"C'mon, Kenj. It's only a few minutes, please?" Elvira speaks, tugging my arm lightly and looking up at me.

Oh, I didn't know she was here.

I sigh, looking into Elvira's blue eyes, "Fine."

I seriously can't resist her puppy dog eyes, she doesn't even know she does it, it just sorta happens. 

"Good. You need a break. Even if it's just for a moment." Elvira grabs my hand, pulling me out of the door and towards the food.

"And now, for the main course, the plumpest, and the juiciest...Nublar grubs!" Ben opens a container, revealing an array of bugs.

"Thank you, for your sacrifice." Ben eats one of the bugs.

"Ben...I've eaten a lot of gross things on this Island, but that was because we had no decent food, now, we have decent food available, so why the hell are you choosing to eat that?" Elvira questions him.

"Why?" I lean away from him.

Ben offers the plate to Sammy, who gently picks up the bug, "Well, I guess, the least I can do is...keep an open mind..."

"Sammy, honey, I love you, really, I do, and I respect your decisions, but please, for the love of God, don't eat that bug." Elvira looks at the girl.

"Do it." Ben dares.

Elvira smacks his shoulder, earning a whine in response, "What was that for?!"

"Stop torturing the poor girl." Elvira responds.

Sammy makes a noise of disgust, throwing the bug away, which lands onto Yaz, who throws it off, and it lands on Darius. Ben picks the bug up and pops it into his mouth.

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