Couple Acts

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After their argument, Sammy had run off in hopes of confronting Kash, and the other campers followed her the second they realized she had went missing, and were watching as Mae and Kash talked, or argued, they couldn't really tell. And Elvira, though she was excellent at masking it, was a mix of sadness and anger, she was angry Sammy had spoken to her the way she did, she was angry at Kash for indirectly keeping them on the island, for hurting Sammy's family, she was angry she wasn't at home, binging her favorite shows while eating her favorite snack, listing to music, reading or writing fan fiction, chatting with Peter and even aunt May, who she sees as her own family. 

She was sad because of the meaning behind Sammy's cruel words, because Elvira knew it was true. If Elvira had of just stepped up that one day, if she had just taking the brunt of it, if she hadn't been such a chicken, her family would still be alive, and it's not even that she wanted them alive, as bad as it sounds, because although she loved them, they hurt her dearly. It was the fact that her brothers were so young, they had so much life to live, and that her entire family could've been happier without her. She was sad because she was hurting, her thoughts were uncontrollable, they ran all over the place, making her think about problems she thought she had overcome, and not to mention the fact that she no longer had her medicine, because that certainly didn't help. Elvira has struggled with her mental health since she was about nine, she's had problems with body issues (which was one of the reasons she trained eso hard to gain abs and arm muscle), anxiety, anger issues, ADHD, her nightmares, and PTSD. Also she still feels horrible because she never got the antidote, she honestly feels like she's seconds from passing out every day.

"Elvira?" Kenji shakes the girl, who had been staring off, thinking.

The girl hums lightly, "Yeah...?"

Kenji's eyes soften, "You okay? You're staring off again."

Elvira pauses, choosing her words wisely, "I'm okay...Just...what Sammy said earlier got me thinking, and-"

"Nope. Uh-uh, I know exactly what you plan on saying, and don't even think about it." Kenji stares at her.


"No. I heard what Sammy said, and she had absolutely no right. I know she's hurting, but you were only trying to help her. You did nothing wrong." Kenji tells her.

Elvira sighs, "I know I didn't, but...I just...I don't know, she really got in my head, and you know how I can be sometimes..."

Kenji sadly smiles at the girl, pulling her into a hug, rubbing the back of her head, which was now completely brunette, the blue streaks in her hair having faded, leaving her with her original, natural shade, "I know, V, I know."

Elvira tightens her grip on the boy, "You have absolutely no idea how thankful I am for you."

Kenji lightly presses his lips to the crown of her head, "And you have no idea how thankful I am for you."

Although the other person didn't know it, that meant so much more to the both of them then they would ever admit. And they especially wouldn't admit that the little action gave them both butterflies. 

"Guys! Now's not really the time for couple acts!" Brooklynn whisper scolds, causing the two to jump apart and defend themselves.

"We aren't—"

"We're not—"

"Yeah, we're kind of busy right now, you guys." Yaz whispers.

Brooklynn and Yaz hadn't heard what the two were saying, but figured it was best to stop the "lovey dovey" action before it escalated to getting them getting caught. 

"Sorry..." Kenji whispers.

"Okay, now that...that's...over, listen up—" Darius cuts off, seeing Mae start running through the woods, the robots following after her.

"That...doesn't look good." Elvira's eyed widen.

"Ya don't say." Sammy snaps, guess she was still angry with her.

"No, you can't do this, please!" Mae begs to the robots, who had cornered her and were about to fire. 

"Hey!" Kenji throws a rock, "Over here, dummies!" 

His yelling aggravated the robot, making it shoot lasers at him and Elvira, who was standing next to him, her sword out and ready.

"...I think we got it's attention." Kenji grabs Elvira's hand and starts running.

"I'd say!" The girl shouts.

A robot runs between the two, separating them. 

"Those things really don't know when to quit, huh?" Elvira breathily mumbles, dodging the lasers the dog had been spouting. She can't use a sword because if Kash found the body, he would know something's up, and if she uses her gun, it will alert him. Luckily for the both of them, Darius drops down a giant rock, bashing it into the head of the robo-dog.

"Thanks, D." Kenji says.

"Yeah, thank you, Dar." Elvira smiles, running after Kenji and Darius.

When they get to the others, Darius, Brooklynn, Yaz, and Ben were behind one tree, and Elvira and Kenji we're together behind another tree.

"If we can surprise that thing, we can take it out." Sammy whispers from her spot behind a tree, alongside Mae.

"Noted..." Mae grabs a stick and runs towards the lone BRAD. Fortunately, the BRAD was taken out before she could get to it, unfortunately, it was taken out by a raptor. 

"Elvira, do something! Don't you have a pet raptor?" Sammy says.

"Me and Blue had a bond, I doubt these raptors will like me much." Elvira looks at Mae and the raptor, drawing her sword again.

The raptor runs towards Mae, throwing her to the ground. Another raptor runs up from behind a tree, causing them to from a circle, surrounded by the two raptors.

"Hey, stop!" Elvira risks, putting her hand out like she had done with blue.

The raptors screech at her, snapping at her hand, luckily she pulls it back in time.

"Told you!" Elvira shouts to Sammy, who had left the circle and was running towards the BRAD.

"Not the time!" Yaz scolds Elvira.

Sammy takes the BRADS head, and uses the lasers to shock the raptors, giving the campers—and May—enough time to run to safety.

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