How Do You Ask Someone Out?

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Elvira POV

"We found Kash, in this...creepy warehouse full of BRADS." Yaz speaks.

"I almost had the phone, but then-" Brooklynn continues.

"He went back inside the compound." Yaz finishes.

"The drones forced Big Eatie away from her daughter. They shocked her until she left with them." Darius crosses his arms.

"It was...hard to watch." Kenji side hugs my waist, putting his head onto mine.


"Hasn't he hurt them enough?" Mae rhetorically asks.

"He wants to use them for some kind of test." Darius says, a roar thundering in the background.

"That's Pierce!" Mae leans forwards, groaning afterwords.

"You need to rest, Mae." I tell her.

She snorts tiredly, "You're one to talk."

Why do people keep saying that?

"I'm used to the pain. You're not.  I can push past it. You can't." I remind.

"But-" Mae starts, quickly being shut down by Darius.

"No no no, You need to rest." He speaks.

"But if Kash is hurting Pierce like he did Little Eatie..." Mae trails off.

Darius puts his hands on her shoulders, careful not to hurt her, "don't worry. We'll go."

We start walking until we reach the same area we were in when we watched Kash and Mae.

"What are we doing with him?.." Yaz whispers.

The drones had cornered Pierce and Big Eatie together, both of them roaring in agitation.

"He's gonna force them to fight," Darius's eyes widen, "it adds up: dosing the food, making them more aggressive, seeing how strong they are, Mae's research. He doesn't care how dinosaurs feel. He only wanted to know how they'd do in a fight." 

"But Pierce is no match for Big Eatie, he'll be slaughtered!" Brooklynn expresses, I put my hand on her shoulder for comfort.

"We'll figure it out, Brook. We always do." I rub her shoulder.

"Guys, I know that phone is our only way off the island, but, we have to-" Darius starts.

"Save them." Brooklynn finishes.

"Yeah we do!" Sammy smiles.

"Wait, really?" Darius asks in disbelief, "I-I mean, I was gonna-"

"Give one of your classic, "Save the Dino's" speeches? No need bro, we're with you." Kenji tilts his head back, putting his arm over my shoulder and pulling me into his side.

Darius wants to be Steve Rogers so badly with those speeches of his.

"Kash must be controlling those drones from his compound. If we can get in there, we can disable them and keep the Dino's from hurting each other." Brooklynn says.

I furrow my brows, "Brooklynn, how in the world are you so smart?" 

"We'll have to lure him out of there first." Darius says.

Ben smacks his lips, eating chocolate, "I got some ideas on that front." 

Darius nods, "Perfect. Sammy, you're with Ben, once Cash leaves his compound-" 

"I can watch over him, make sure he doesn't bother anyone else, maybe kill him, I don't know." I suggest.

"Kenji's going with you to make sure you don't actually kill him, because let's be honest, you probably would-" I nod my head and side shrug, agreeing with him.

(The thing Black Widow does at the top when she sips her drink, except Elvira doesn't have a drink.)

"Yaz, Brooklynn, you and I will get last the raptors, sneak into the compound, and get control of the drones." Darius finishes, making Yaz sit up straight.

"Hey are you sure?" Brooklynn looks at Yaz, concerned for the girl.

Yaz smirks, "I got this." 

"Okay, let's go." Kenji grabs my hand, running with me.

 Kenji and I make it to a corner that was closer to the compound.

"Uh, so when we get Kash out, what's stopping him from going back into the compound?" He asks me. 

I hum, "Well, I was thinking we could just give you up as bait."

Kenji fake laughs, "Hilarious. It's more likely you or Darius sacrifice yourselves. You're very self-sacrificing."

I laugh, "It's my savior complex."

He stares at me oddly for a moment, "Can I ask you something?"

I smile, "Anything, Kenj."

"I-how do...How do you ask someone out? Like, if you have a crush on them?" He stutters. 

Oh...he has a crush on someone. 

I should've known better.


It's okay.

"Well, I'm gonna be honest with you, Kenj, I've never asked someone out, and while I've been asked out, the people were...not the best. I would say just...ask them straight up. Like, hey, whatever their name is, I like you." I say, doing my best to smile at him.

"Really?" He cocks his head to the side.

"Really." I nod.

He pauses for a moment, gathering his words, "Elvira, you!"

"Perfect! Just like that!" I smile.

His face falls for a moment, "N-no, Elvira, I was talking to you. I like you, Elv."

"Wh-really? Because I like you too!" My eyes widen, a smile plastering itself onto my face.

His face lights up, "Really?! You-you're not joking, right?"

I pout my lips, "I'm serious, Kenji. I like you; I think I have for a while, but I only realized it a few days ago." 

He smiles and hugs me tightly, "So...does-"

Kenji cuts himself off, noticing Kash walk outside of the compound.

"I'm gonna miss my check-in with the big guy! Go back and get my phone." He snaps, ushering the BRAD that was with him forwards.

"Oh no..." Kenji whispers.

We walk forward being stopped by the sight of multiple BRADS.

"No way we get past them." Kenji pulls me back, resting his hand on my side.

I knit my brows together, "What about the others?" 

"If anyone can think of something, it's them." He replies.

I sigh, "You're right."

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