Crocodile Like

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Elvira POV

"What the hell is that thing!?" I yell, looking at the huge, crocodile like creature, but much bigger,  a gray color, and teeth that could shred bricks like it was soft butter. Yasmina, Ben, and Brooklynn run over to us, and Yaz hits the creature in the head, making it run back into the water. 

"It's called a Nothosaurus!" Darius calls as we almost run into a BRAD-X, but the Nothosaurus attacks it, giving us all a chance to run to a feeding platform and go back into the jungle biome.

Brooklynn sighs, "Fresh air." 

"Oh, how I've missed it." I breath, falling down next to Ben.

"I'm so happy to be back here." Sammy puts her hands on her hips.

"What kind of dinosaur was the even?" Yaz breathes.

"A Nothosaurus, don't know what it was doing in the sewer, though." Darius says.

"Kenji was probably friends with it, then one day decided he wasn't anymore and locked it in there." Ben crosses his arms.

Well that wouldn't make sense, we haven't been on the island long enough for that.

Brooklynn voices my thoughts, "He hasn't been on the island long enough to do that."

Did she read my mind?

"Maybe he knew about this place all along." Ben says.

"Yeah. Wait, that doesn't make sense." Sammy puts her hand to her chin.

"Mr. Kon is clearly the bad guy here, he's been manipulating Kenji this whole time. And let's not forget that Mr. Jones had manipulated Elvira, too. She was just smart enough not to fall for it." Brooklynn sighs, "Kenji makes mistakes, but he always ends up doing what's right, you guys know this."

She has a point but why did she drag me into this?

"Maybe that's just what he wants us to think. I'm sorry, but I don't trust him anymore." Ben yells, and apparently that causes an argument because Yaz, Brooklynn, Ben, and Sammy start yelling over eachother.

"Darius, I know you and Kenji are tight can you please help me!?" Brooklynn yells.

I walk over to a tree, leaning against it.

"Darius, Elvira! You've been quiet all day, what do you guys think?" Brooklynn asks.

I look at them with an annoyed look on my face, "Can we please just drop this?"

It's pissing me off, and it's only making my thoughts worse.

"You wanna know what I think?" Darius walks forwards, angry at first, but then pausing, "I—I don't've been talking about Kenji all day, and it's gotten us nowhere, we can't worry about him, that's what I care about. Something's upsetting them, and I'm gonna figure it out. Keep talking about Kenji if you want, but I'm out." Darius turns towards the t-Rex's, starting to walk off when the ground starts shaking, making us hold onto the trees for stability until the earthquake ended.

"The earthquakes over, why are they still freaking out?" Sammy gestures to Big and Little Eatie, who were roaring at eachother, still encased in the drones.

"I don't know, but they're gonna hurt themselves." Ben says.

"Come on, we have to shut down the drones!" Brooklynn tells us.

"But if we do, this place will be just like Nublar all over again, where we're never not almost dying?" Yaz speaks.

"But if we leave them that makes us a little too much like Kash, the Kon's, or Mr. Jones." Ben holds up his hand.

"Mr. Kon." Brooklynn corrects.

Sammy clears her throat, "Well, either way, I'm in for dropping them drones."

"You go ahead. I'll stay here." Darius tells us.

The hell is he thinking?

"What?" Brooklynn looks at him.

"Shutting down the drones will take a while. I'll get Mae's tablet and try to calm them down while you do." Darius explains.

"Good thinking." Brooklynn walks forward, "But maybe someone should stay with you."

"No, it's okay." Darius turns around, "I'd rather do it alone."

"Yeah, okay. Send us a message when you get the tablet. Stay safe." Brooklynn and the others start running off.

"Be safe, D." I wave to him as I follow the others. I'm not leaving him out there long, I'm just going to pick up my weapons. I'm betting they're in my dads office.

"Guys?" I say, walking into the room where you control the drones.

"Yeah?" Brooklynn hums, not looking away from the computer.

"I'm gonna go search for my weapons, and anything else we can use. When I'm done, I'm going to go back to Darius, okay?" I tell them.

"Okay to the first thing, but I though Darius wanted to be alone?" Brooklynn says.

"He does, but he's twelve, probably thirteen now, he shouldn't stay out there alone." I say.

"Okay, whatever. Be safe." Brooklynn doesn't look up from her spot at the computer.

"I always am." I start walking out of the door, nearing Ben and Yaz mumble something about me never being safe.

"Be safe, Vir!" Sammy calls behind me.

"Yeah, be safe!" Yaz and Ben chirp.

"I will, you guys be safe, too!" I call, walking over to my dad's office, pushing the door open to see my backpack, sword, katanas, bow and arrows, and arm weapons scattered across the room floor. I pick up two guns and a knife for my right arm, three knives for my left arm, I put on my sword, backpack, katanas, and bow and arrow, making sure I have three guns and four knives on my left leg, thigh, and shoe, and then making sure I have five knives and four daggers on my right leg, thigh, and shoe. I found some extra knives and daggers in my dad's office, so I stuff those into my backpack, as well as some water and food, just in case. I walk out of the compound, making my way over to Darius.

"Hey, D!" I greet him.

"Elvira? I thought you were with the others?" He turns to me, a surprised look on his face.

"I only needed to get my weapons, plus some, back." I gesture to my body covered in weapons, "Then I wanted to check on you, make sure your okay."

"Me? What about you? Your dad, boyfriend, and someone you grew up around trapped us in a box and left!" He says.

"I'm fine. The Kenji thing bothers me a little, but it's fine. I'm not that worried about Daniel or dad." I cross my arms.

That's a giant lie.

"Uh-huh." He gives me a look that says he doesn't believe me but drops the subject.

"So," I drag on, "what're you up to?"

"Well, they're scared, so I'm trying to convince them they're safe." He tells me, pressing a button on May's tablet that creates a road, "Safe."

The t-Rex's roar and look up at the drones.

"Are you...scared of the drones?" He asks, walking over to the later of the treehouse, when the drones drop to the ground, "Huh, that was fast."

I walk over to Darius and stand below him, not on the latter.

The Rex's look at eachother, then me and Darius, who also look at eachother. They roar and start charging towards us, making my draw my sword and stand infront of Darius, albeit below him, but the t-Rex's run past us.

"What...?" I sheath my sword, looking up at Darius, who was checking his tablet.

"Scared? Danger? Still? What are you so scared of?" Darius speaks to himself, dropping from the latter.

"On this island? It's a wonder." I scoff.

"Let's follow them." Darius walks in the direction of the dinosaurs.

"Oh because that's a good idea." I rolls my eyes playfully, the ground starts shaking again, "Shit!"  Me and Darius fall to the ground.

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