I Hate Those Damn Things

568 15 7

Elvira POV

As we run, a Pteranodon gets to Ben, who was at the back of the group. I rush over, stabbing the pterodactyl with my knife, successfully killing it.

"Run!" I tell him, everyone else has already left, not knowing what happened. 

Unfortunately, when he leaves, a pterodactyl scoops me into its mouth, flying me away, towards the mosasaurus enclosure, dropping me in. I see the mosasaurus coming towards me, opening its jaws. I stab it in its jaws, about to stab its eyes, when I suddenly hear a banging sound, which makes the mosasaurus swim towards the noise. I see Yasmina banging a poll with a paddle. I look over, seeing the others, and starting to swim towards them.

"Guys!" I scream, successfully grabbing their attention. Kenji gets in a kayak, meeting me half way. He grabs my hands, pulling me into the kayak, and swimming us to the stands. I'm so glad my backpack is water and fire proof.

"What happened?"

"Are you okay?" 

"We thought you died!" 

Everyone bombarded me with questions.

"A pterodactyl snuck up on me, picked me up, and dropped me in the mosasaurus enclosure." I tell them, "I'm fine," I continue, "and I'm still alive," I spin, patting myself, "...I think."

"What about that blood on your side?" Yasmina nods to my side.

"What about your ankle?" I counter, taking off my backpack, grabbing the med kit for her ankle. 

"Here, let me wrap it for you." I say.

"I can wait, you're bleeding out." She tells me.

"I'm fine, let me help you first." I try persuading.

"No, you.are.blee.ding.out." She tells me, shoving the med kit back into my hands.

"Fine." I huff, sitting down. 

I take my shirt flannel off, leaving me in my cropped tank top/ bralette thing (second outfit in outfit chapter. Or whatever you want her in.". I take a look at the wound, realizing it'll probably need stitches. I take the disinfectant, cleaning the wound. Once the wound Is cleaned, I grab my lighter, heating up the needle, and starting to stitch. Once that's finished, I wrap I bandage around it. 

"All done, now let me help you." I tell Yasmina.

"Fine." She sighs. I grab the ankle bandage, starting to wrap it around her ankle.

"Don't put too much pressure on it." I tell her, standing up. I walk over to Kenji, who was asking Darius if he wanted popcorn he found in the stands. Gross.

"Hey, Vir! You okay?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I tell him, sitting beside him on the bleachers.

"Why do you do that?" He asks me.

"Do what?" I tilt my head.

"Act like everything's fine." He tells me.

"I—" I start to say.

"You don't have to tell me; I was just wandering." He quickly says.

"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone." I tell him.

" I won't, promise." He sticks his pinky out, wrapping it with mine.

"Okay," I sigh, "when I was a kid, my parents would yell at me if I showed too much emotion, like crying when they yelled at me. A few years ago, my parents, brothers, and I, were eating at a restaurant, when the place got shot up. My— my brothers and parents died." I tell him,

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