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Elvira POV

"Hey, guys?" I call, walking into the living area.

"Yeah?" Kenji shouts.

"Shall we play a game?" (Did anyone get the reference?) I toss the Uno pack onto the center coffee table. 

"Yeah, sure."


"Sounds fun."

"I'm gonna beat all of you."


Take a guess who the last two were.

"Great! Let me sort everything out." I place seven cards into seven stacks (seven cards each) and I place a card in the center.

"Right, who's going first?" Brooklynn asks.

"I will!" Kenji places down his first card.

"Wait, wait." I give Kenji back his card, "Do you even know the rules?"

He scoffs, "...No."

I smile, "everyone gets seven cards, you need to have the same color or symbol card to place onto the stack," I point to the blue seven card in the center, "if you don't have the same color or symbol, you have to draw a card. If you have a color changer, you can place it down and change to whatever given color you desire. If you have a reverse, it goes to the previous player. If you have a shuffle hand card, that means you swap cards with someone, and no, you can't pick who. If you have a, plus four or a plus two card, the player that goes after you has to draw that amount. If you have that weird zero looking symbol, it skips the player after you. And, lastly, when you have one card left, you have to shout "Uno!", if you don't and someone catches you, you have to draw two cards."

Everyone's mouth hangs open, "That was a lot."

"How did you remember all of that?" Ben asks me, still annoyed I'm forcing him to play.

My eyes light up, "I used to play with my family, and now I play with Peter and May. We literally play that game so much. Now, let's play. Kenji, you're first."

Kenji places down a blue five.

"Yaz." I nod to the girl, silently telling her it was her go. She places down a yellow five. Damnit, I don't have any yellows. Brooklynn goes next, placing down a yellow three.

Sammy frowns and draws a card, "Aw, man. I don't have none of those." 

"I do." Ben places down a yellow two.

Darius places down a green two, making me sigh, "Damnit." I place down a red two.

"Seriously, Elv?" Kenji grunts.

"What?" I smile innocently.

He glares at me, "You're out of my will." He draws a card, letting Yaz go.

I tilt my head, "You don't have a will." I watch Brooklynn and Sammy go.

"I can make one. Do you have a will?" He says, watching Ben go, eagerly awaiting his turn. 

"A will to live? No, I Don't have that." I joke.

"Elv-" he gets cut off.

"Ben!" Darius shouts.

"What happened?" I turn to the boys.

"He put down a draw four and changed the color to blue!" Darius whines.

"I'm sorry! That's all I had!"

"You smiled at me when you did it!"

I laugh at them, putting down a blue two.

"Why do you hate me?" Kenji pouts, drawing another card.

Timeskip brought to you by me not having an idea what to write.

Kenji POV

"Can we stop now?" Ben whines.

To be fair, we had been playing for, like, three hours. But we all had a lot of fun and laughs. Even Ben had fun, whether he admits it or not. 

Elvira had won three games, Yaz won three, I hadn't won any, Brooklynn and Ben won one, and Darius and Sammy had won two. 

"Hey, I make a killer soup if anyone wants to get some acorns from the forest?" Mae buts in.

"I'll go. It's getting boring beating you losers." Yaz stands up.

Elvira jokingly scoffs, "You and I are tied, Yaz."

"So?" Yaz walks out, making Elvira laugh.

Her laugh is really pretty. I mean, she's really pretty. Her smile, her eyes, everything about her is pretty. I love when she gets excited about something and the way her eyes light up and she'll ramble about whatever it was, and—

Wait, what? She's one of my best friends, why am I thinking about her like that? I don't have a crush on her or anything. Yaz and Brooklynn are just full of it...right?...

Right, yeah. I do not have a crush on her.

 Oh my God. I have a crush on her.

I have a crush on Elvira.

I have a crush on my best friend.

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