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Elvira POV

We change into our swimsuits, Yasmina has a purple one piece, Brooklynn has a blue and white tankini with blue bottoms, Kenji has blue swim trunks, Darius has yellow swim trunks, Sammy has an orange tankini with purple high-rise bottoms, Ben is wearing his usual ripped, white tank and khaki shorts, I have on (at top, or whatever you want her in). I still have my converse on incase I need to run. We creep up the stairs, 

"Careful. Looks like Tiff had some unwanted visitors." Brooklynn says.

We walk into the control room.

"The control panels busted up." Darius says.

"And so is the radio" Sammy says.

"Almost out of gas." Darius says, sighing.

"Are ya sure? Did ya tap it? The always tap it." Sammy says, tapping the glass, "huh. Well... now we're really sure..." she says after the gas goes lower.

"So, we've got a boat, we just can't use the boat?" Ben says.

"Seems that way to me." I say, sighing and walking over to Kenji, who was walking into a closet.

"Whatcha doin?" I ask him, tapping his shoulder.

"Ah!" He screams.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" I say. 

He grabs my arm, pulling me into the closet with him, "What are you doing?" I ask, confusion lacing my voice.

"Shh!" He puts his finger to my lips.

He starts jiggling the handle of the door, "I want to scare the others."

"Ohhhh. Why didn't you just say so?" I ask, furrowing a brow and pushing his hand off of me.

"Figured you wouldn't want to be in on it." He replies, still jiggling the handle.

"Depends on my mood." I half smile.

He pushes the door open, "Boo!" He yells, causing Brooklynn and Darius to scream.

"Hey..." I awkwardly smile at them when they stop screaming.

"Gotcha!" Kenji laughs.

"Kenji! Elvira!" Brooklynn says to us.

"Not funny, guys!" Darius yells

"You should've seen your faces!" He laughs, falling back onto the ground, since the dumbass was holding my arm, he took me with him.

"Seriously, Kenji!" I whack his arm, "That hurt!" 

"The height of comedy." Ben replies, emotionlessly, "I'm gonna head back to shore." He walks away.

"Guess the only question is, who's gonna drive the boat?" Yasmina asks.

"You mean, "Who's dad has a yacht club membership and just found this killer hat?" Captain Kenji, at your service." He spins a hat around, lightly bowing.

He walks into the captain's pit, starting the boat and bringing it to the dock.

"Nice parking job, if I do say so myself, and I will." He speaks.

"You don't park a boat, dingus—" Yasmina starts.

"You dock it, dumbass." I punch his shoulder, high-fiving Yasmina.

"Sure you wanna sass—and hit—the captain?" He says, "it's a long swim home." He sings.

"This, is what eight years of diving lessons looks like." Yasmina says back diving into the water.

"Here's what running from an alosaurus, then tripping and falling off a waterfall looks like!" Ben says, running into the water.

I take off my shoes, "Here's what being dropped in a giant fish tank and swimming from the mosasaurus looks like!" I run into the water. I get out, getting ready to jump back in when I see Kenji with fireworks.

"What in the hell are you going to do with those?" I ask him.

"Mitch and tiff knew how to have a good time, no matter how evil they may have been." He tells me. Sammy hits him with a beach ball.

"Very, very funny." He tells her, she hits him again.

"Sammy." he says. I take the ball from her, hitting him with it.

"Seriously, Elv?" He questions me.

"What?" I say, acting innocent and hiding the ball behind my back.

"I can still see the ball." He deadpans.

"What ball? I haven't seen a ball. Have you seen one, Sammy?" I ask.

She hums, "Mm, no, I don't think so." She plays along.

"Uh-huh, okay, yeah, I a hundred percent believe you. Mm-hm." He says, grabbing my hand and walking behind Brooklynn and Darius.

"What are you doing now?" I whisper.

"Scaring them with these." He shows me a box of fireworks.

"Are you insane?!" I whisper shout! "What if it hits them?" 

"It won't hurt." I give him a look.

"Here, throw one at me." He sighs, handing me the box.

"No! It's going to hurt." I speak.

"No, it won't." He gives me a reassuring smile.

"Fine." I sigh, giving in and throwing one at him.

"Ow! Ow! That hurt!" He falls on the ground, face first.

"Oh my God! Are you okay?! I knew it would hurt! Are you okay?" I ask, getting on the ground next to him as his shoulders start shaking.

"Kenj? Kenji? Are you okay?" I shake him as his shoulders continue to shake. It wasn't until I hear him giggling that I knew he was okay.

"I'm sorry but that was too good of an opportunity to miss." He smiles apologetically at me.

"You ass! I thought I hurt you!" I smack his chest, scoffing and crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry but that was too funny." He says as we stand up.

"I'm leaving." I glare at him, starting to walk away.

"Wait! I'm sorry." He pouts at me, giving me a hug, "Forgive me?" He sticks out his pinky.

I sigh, a smile slowly creeping onto my face, "Yeah, I forgive you." I connect our pinky's.

"Great! Now watch while I prank Brooklynn and Darius." He smiles at me, throwing the fireworks near them.

"Seriously, Kenji?!" Darius yells at him

"I know, right?" He laughs, walking away.

"I'm sorry about him. I told him not too." I apologetically smile at them, walking after Kenji.

"Was that really necessary?" I ask him when we're alone.

"Yes. Yes, it was." He smiles, wrappings his arm around my shoulders.

I playfully roll my eyes and smile, "Was it really, though?"

Into The Jungle (Camp Cretaceous x Fem!OcWhere stories live. Discover now