What? You Haven't Been Poisoned Before?

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Elvira POV

"Kenji!" I yell. The stupid fucking dinosaur had just thrown Kenji off the treehouse with a bunch of crates. It already tossed Yaz and Ben off. Lightning strikes, causing it to get distracted. Interesting. It gives us enough time to get off the treehouse.

"Sammy!" I shout at the same time Yaz yells, "No!" the dinosaur just hit her with its tail.

"I-it's okay!" Sammy replies. 

I gasp, seeing the others pressed to a corner with the Scorpios infront of them, "Guys!" I ready my sword, running over and climbing onto the dinosaurs back careful to avoid its quills, "Stupid dinosaur! Pick on someone your own size!" I grunt out, managing to stab the dinosaur in its side and back, before it throws me off, being distracted by a roar in the distance.

"Why did it leave?" Yaz walks over to us.

"Not sure. Guess it heard something it wanted more than us." Darius tells her.

"That thing was—" Sammy gets cut off by Darius, "Sammy?... are...you okay?" He says, looking at her side, which had the quills in it.

"Oh! I—I didn't even notice em. I'm fine though." She replies, looking rather faint.

"Are you sure? You look a bit pale, and you're swaying." I replied, grabbing her arms to keep her steady, along with Darius and Yaz.

"No, r-really. I'm fine." She tries convincing. She then faints.

"See, I knew you weren't fine." I huff, throwing my arms in the air. Yaz gives me a look, then her eyes widen.

"You're one to talk! You have more quills than her!" She yells at me, looking at my side, then my thigh.

"What no I—" I look at my side, "don't..." Okay so maybe I did have quills in my side and my thigh. It's fine. I'm fine. "I'm fine, guys, really. I've had worse than a few extra-large porcupine quills in me."

"Yeah, except this is poisonous, and we have no antidote!" Kenji flails his arms. 

"I've been poisoned before. I didn't have any antidote." I shrug it off, feeling slightly loopy now.

"Wh-you've been poisoned before?!" Brooklynn shouts.


I probably shouldn't mention that I poisoned myself in attempts to kill myself, should I? Yeah, didn't think so.


Elvira attempted sewerslide a while back, the feeling the quills give her remind her of it. 

"Yeah, a long time ago." I shrug it off, "Hasn't everyone been poisoned before?"

"No!" They yell at me.

"Jeez sorry," I mumble, "Hey, I wonder how long it'll be before I pass out" I look at them.

"Sammy passed out a lot quicker than you did, so who knows." Ben points at me.

"I've—" Oh there it goes. I passed out.

Sorry about the short chapter.

 I hope it was still decent.

 Hope you have/had a great day <3.

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